I want to use a Midi Fighter Twister with Cubase 12 Pro on a Mac to control my CCs. Cubase has the ‘new’ Midi Remote function, but it is not really useful. I found the Bome Translator and I hope you can help me to get started. I want to do the following:
Midi Fighter Twister setup for example: knob 1, CC 100, channel 1
The knob is controlling CC 100 on an instrument track to write automation. When I activate the next instrument track Midi Fighter Twister should pick up the value of the CC 100 of this track and shows ist with the LED ring. The idea is that Midi Fighter Twister picks up the value of the CCs from the automations via Bome Translator.
Is this possible with the Translator? I guess it is, but I need a little help to start with the Translator. Can you help me please?
Thanks a lot
Kind Regards Roman
Hi and welcome to the Bome community!
Yes, this should work but only if Cubase is sending CC100 as you switch instrument tracks. Are you converting from something else on your MFT to CC100 for Cubase or are you just passing CC100 value through? When you see the switch in instrument tracks, are you getting a MIDI message with CC100 coming back from Cubase? You can turn on the log window and monitor both MIDI IN and MIDI out to see the traffic. The input should show something like:
B0 64 xx
where xx is a value between 00 and 7F
B0 indicates CC on MIDI CH 1 and 64 is hex for 100. The last xx is the value
If you can turn on logging and show both in and out between MFT and Cubase, I should be able to assist further.
I have Cubase 10 right now. Is this a new feature of Cubase 12 only?
What protocol are you running for Cubase. If you have it set as Mackie MCU or Mackie HUI, the behavior may not work as it is possible will send Mackie protocol type messages that would need to be converted for use with the MFT.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Hy Steve,
thanks a lot for your answer.
Currently I am looking for a workaround that I want. I do not have the Midi Fighter Twister at the moment. I just searched a lot and I think that the combination of Translator and Midi Twister is a perfect.
The Midi Data should go straight to the automation from the Midi Twister. I do not want to work with Quick controls in Cubase. What I want to find out is if there is a way that the Midi Twister gets the automation data from other tracks and theyr Midi CCs.
I found out that the Midi Twister has fixed CC numbers. So they need to be converted to another Midi CC number.
The Remote Control was introduced in Cubase 11 I think.
Thanks again
Well Bome MIDI Translator can certainly move and translate data between device and applications. The real question is more related to the application and how it behaves. If it sends something, we can translated it. However if it does not, then there is nothing to translate.
Are you on Windows or Mac? If on Windows you can send and receive MIDI with Send SX to emulate the behavior of the MIDI fighter twister before you buy one. Also, I found that occasionally you can buy a used on on eBay for about 1/2 the cost of a new one.
Oh and the MIDI Fighter Twister CC’s are not fixed. They are programmable with their application.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Hy Steve,
I am on Mac 12.6.
Yes, I can get a Midi fighter on eBay but I bought a controller on eBay a few month ago and it was a nightmare. So I prefer to get a new one. But before I get one I want to check out if I can do the workflow with Translator and Midi fighter.
Thanks for the info that the Midi CCs are not fixed. I watched some Videos and downloaded the manual but I could not find or see how to change the CCs.
Maybe someone here in the forum uses Midi twister with Cubase?
Thans again Roman
Here is a link to the tool that is used to update the programming of the MIDI Fighter Twister.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Thanks for the link. I know that there is a software. I think I am/was confused, because in the software you can not see Midi CC. It is all labeled with Midi Channel and so on. I think this has confused me. Anyway, I am currently ordering a new Twister.
I hope, I can ask for your help to configure the Twister with Translator.
Kind Regards Roman
It appears that they have taken the original manual down, however I found a copy here.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Hy Steve,
Thanks for the manual. I have the Twister now. I tried to record some automation in Cubase with CCs. Everything works fine. Now I need your help please to setup Translator to send the automation data back to the twister.
Can you help me please? Thanks a lot.
Well I’m not sure how automation feedback works with Cubase but if you send the same CC# back to the MIDI Fighter Twister on MIDI channel 1, it will send back LED ring feedback which is likely what you want. For Quick Controls this is done by setting the T (Transmit) flag. In my case I’m routing MIDI Fighter Twister to BMT1 and visa versa.
Here are how my aliases are setup.
You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.
And my MIDI routing in MT Pro.
Then if I want to do additional MIDI manipulation, I can do them in Bome MIDI Translator Pro.
Here is what Quick Controls looks like in Cubase. I have 10.5.
In my case I’m just passing data back from Cubase to my MIDI Fighter Twister untouched, but again you can override this behavior by using translators.
I usually set up translator routing at the preset level.
For more information about device selection, see this tutorial.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Hy Steve,
I have the problem to set up the Translator and Cubase to send CC back to the Midi Fighter Twister. If I can figure out how it works then everything is ok.
I could use Quick Controls but there are only 8 of them and I have to activate it for every track. It would be much better if I could send the CC back to the Twister when I change the tracks.
On the Midi Monitor in Cubase I can see that the automation I recorded is showing up. So there must be some feedback.
Test_Fighter.bmtp (603 Bytes)
Here is what I tried…
Well, I believe in Cubase 12 you can do your own controller mapping but unfortunately I have Cubase 10.5 so I’m using translators to convert to and from Mackie MCU to CC for my attached MIDI fighter twister.
First of all I set up my controller as follows. Again if you have the ability to create your own mappings, this may not be necessary on Cubase 12 if you have a mapping script setup for your twister that handles 2 way CC communications.
The first preset is set to receive from the Twister and send to the Application (BMT 1). It has one translator that maps CC to pitch bend which is what the MCU uses. I also have to add touch and release messages so I send raw MIDI with a touch message, move message and release message.
The second preset is set to receive from the Application and send back to the Twister. Again there is only one translator to map pitch bend coming back from Cubase back to CC for the twister.
My aliases are set up as follows.
You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.
I have Cubase setup as follows.
My first preset is set as follows.
And my second preset as follows
For more information about device selection, see this tutorial.
Now if you turn on read automation, when you play back, it should write your automation back to your twister.
Here is the project file.
Test_Fighte-MCU-Stever.bmtp (1.9 KB)
You might need to talk to Steinberg or read the documentation for setting up your own MIDI remote mapping for your twister as apparently there are new features if version 12 that I have not yet worked with.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Oh, I forgot to mention, I set it up for MFT sending CC0-CC8 on MIDI CH 1.
Hy Steve,
thanks for the script. I have tried it now for hours. No luck. Searched in the internet, no luck. Don´t know why this is not working.
Kind Regards Roman
Please turn on the log window and check the boxes as indicated. Then move your first knob (fader1) and capture and show what is in the log.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Hy Steve,
I have set like in your pictures. I turned a knob on my Twister an the log windwo shows the following:
1: MIDI IN [Midi Fighter Twister]: B0 01 02
2: IN 0.0 Control Change on ch. 1 with any CC# set “pp” to CC#=1 with any value and “qq” to value=2
3: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 69 7F E1 02 02 90 69 00
4: OUT 0.0 MIDI 9 bytes: 90 69 7F E1 02 02 90 69 00
5: MIDI IN [Midi Fighter Twister]: B0 01 03
6: IN 0.0 Control Change on ch. 1 with any CC# set “pp” to CC#=1 with any value and “qq” to value=3
7: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 69 7F E1 03 03 90 69 00
8: OUT 0.0 MIDI 9 bytes: 90 69 7F E1 03 03 90 69 00
9: MIDI IN [Midi Fighter Twister]: B0 01 04
10: IN 0.0 Control Change on ch. 1 with any CC# set “pp” to CC#=1 with any value and “qq” to value=4
11: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 69 7F E1 04 04 90 69 00
12: OUT 0.0 MIDI 9 bytes: 90 69 7F E1 04 04 90 69 00
13: MIDI IN [Midi Fighter Twister]: B0 01 05
14: IN 0.0 Control Change on ch. 1 with any CC# set “pp” to CC#=1 with any value and “qq” to value=5
15: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 69 7F E1 05 05 90 69 00
16: OUT 0.0 MIDI 9 bytes: 90 69 7F E1 05 05 90 69 00
Cubase was not open. Just the Translator.
I hope this information helps.
Kind Regards Roman
Well the messages are correct so maybe Cubase is not set up correctly. Could you show me the Cubase setup screens?
Of course, I have not set up any automation buttons at this time, just fader movement so that is all you should currently be checking for.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
I tested it a few minutes ago in Cubase. Writing automation works, but not sending the values to the Twister. I deactivated all Midi in an outs in generic control and mackie control.
I set up the mackie control now like in your pictures.