Midi mapping with live and apc 40 mk2

So i just stumbled upon Bome midi translator pro
Im curious to find out more about this and have been messing around with the trial
im wondering if its possible to map a function to be activated if you press 2 buttons simultaneously kind of like a shift+whichever key to basically double the amount of functions
how would i go about mapping this function? using live and an apc 40 mk2



The following example should get you started. First of all I set up my aliases as follows:


You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.

In Ableton Live, instead of using the APC-40 MKII directly you will be using BMT 1 as shown.


The second (virtual control surface) will not use a MIDI script and will be assigned to BMT 2.


The project has 2 presets. The first preset manages the other preset using the shift button of your APC-40 MKII. The first translator enables the second preset when shift is held and disables it when shift is released.

The second preset has 3 translators. The first translator deactivates the MIDI return path when the preset is selected and reactivates it when it is not selected. This is to ensure we ignore MIDI coming back from Ableton Live when shift is pressed.

The third translator converts your MIDI faders using rules. I sent CC0-CC7 on MIDI CH 2 when you move the faders on your controller. I convert the incoming MIDI CH of your faders to the actual CC# for output.

It is important that you assign your preset devices to ensure you are only looking for messages from the given source. Here is how the 2nd preset is assigned.


For more information about device selection, see this tutorial.

And here is the project file.
APC-40-MK2-Shift-Layer.bmtp (2.0 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

amazing thanks for the quick reply,
i followed your guide, but now my controller doesn’t seem to have any functions some midi is send but all the buttons are not functioning or lighting up.


Now i managed to make it responsive but i can’t exactly figure out how to map it as a shift button
when i press the shift button when mapping in ableton it simply maps the command to the shift button
and is it possible to have the default functions and lighting while setting this up?

thanks in advance


Hi, I’m not sure if you understood shift.

The shift I am using is the shift button on the APC40-MKII and not your keyboard shift button. I recommend this as it is possible your keyboard shift button may have other default functions for Ableton Live and perhaps other applications on your computer.

When you are in shift mode, right now, we disable all LED messages coming back from Ableton Live. If you still want them, then you could disable the two translators that enable and disable the return MIDI paths in preset 1.

It is important that disable them, we are not capturing any MIDI values and so they will not be refreshed when you release shift. If you want to always capture the MIDI values coming back and then refresh them on your controller when the shift function is turned off, you would need to capture these (while in shift) into global variables and the use a translator to iterated through them to refresh your APC40 once shift is released. You would need to do this using different global variable for each returned MIDI value which is more complex which is why I showed you a simple example with the return values disabled when pressing shift.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz