Midi over wifi bluetooth

We’re midi over wifi (like rtp midi) and midi over Bluetooth (like midi berry) implemented in midi translator pro for PC?


RTP MIDI can be run on a PC as it is a network Protocol and can expose MIDI ports as local ports. Anything that exposes MIDI ports as local ports on a PC will work with Bome MIDI Translator Pro although Bome MIDI Translator Pro does not directly do networking. Once it is local it is standard MIDI.

For Bluetooth, again if it exposes MIDI as standard local MIDI then it works. The transport mechanism is not visible once it is a local MIDI port. Different manufacturers may have Bluetooth drivers that convert to standard MIDI.

With all this said if you want network connectivity, you can also use Bome Network Pro which will send MIDI over a network from Windows, Mac or Linux computers.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Thank you!
How can midi network pro be used with a windows PC and android tablet? Does Bome has an application for Android?

We currently do not have a product that works on Android.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz