MIDI Translator Pro compatibility with Sonuus i2M musicport

I would like to control games on my windows pc with an electroacoustic guitar. I was wondering if this would be possible by connecting the guitar to Sonuus i2M musicport and then mapping the midi input to Bome MIDI Translator pro?
I am aware of another solutions like this one that use software audio to midi conversion, but hooking up three paid solutions seems like too much hustle to me.

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

This product looks interesting, however do not know enough about it to determine if it will work. I know, however that if it sends out MIDI data, via a MIDI port, Bome MIDI Translator Pro (MT Pro) should be able to process the data. The success will depend heavily on what MIDI data gets sent so that it can be processed. MT Pro can convert MIDI to keystrokes which works with many games.

The good news is that you can try it for free with our trial version. The only limitation is that it will time out every 20 minutes when a restart will be required.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Thank you for the reply. I’ve ended up with a solution composed of Rocksmith cable, FlexASIO, MIDI Guitar 2, and Bome MIDI Translator Pro. Compared to the Sonuus, it does not require any additional HW and supports polyphony (chords). The support for chord inputs in MIDI translator pro is not optimal, but can be achieved with some witchcraft in rules. Would be really nice if incomming note on could specify multiple notes.

Hi, with version 1.9.1 of MT Pro, you can use ‘Perform’ in rules to send multiple notes from 1 translator.

See attached.

Chord-2023-12-08.bmtp (1.2 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Thank you for the reply, that looks great! However, I’ve meant - when playing a chord on guitar, press a key on a keyboard. I found out it is possible using global variables and some rules.