I want to use a midi controller to perform keystroke associate with my daw shortcut.
i struggle as my daw receive the midi note but not the keystroke translation
i create a new translator
Capture the incoming midi message
set outgoing to keystroke-physical key-perform the physical key tap
i see the incoming and outgoing message followed by swallow
In order for the DAW to see the keystroke , it must have focus.
In MT Pro 1.9.0 you could actually create 2 translators to make this happen…
Translator 1 would be MIDI in and outgoing action would be to Activate the Application
Translator 2 would be the same MIDI in trigger but with an outgoing action of the keystroke with a delay of maybe 10ms to give time for Translator 1 to complete the focus first. You could play with the delay to get it short enough that it is not recognizable yet long enough to give Translator 1 enough time to focus the application
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
i must do somethig wrong, did as you said
1st translatior to have Studio One.exe in focus
than the 2nd translator with different delay from 200 ms to 1 sec
no result
the midi message pass through the daw as i can monitor it from Studio one
but the keystroke does not come through