According to the Morning star manual (creating-virtual-midi-ports-in-windows-os), in order to run the editor and the software I want to control at the same time, on windows, I need to use loopMIDI to create 2 virtual ports (one of which has to be named ‘Morningstar Editor’ otherwise the editor won’s recognise it. Route the MC6 to those 2 ports thru MidiOX. that way I can connect the editor to the virtual ‘Morningstar Editor’ port, and the other program (Gig Performer) to the other virtual port.
How do i do this in Bome? I can’t igure this out…
I don’t think that you don’t need to name your ports with anything with ‘Morningstar’.
Try the attached file I have my aliases set up as follows:
You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.
I have MIDI thru paths as follows. At this time, no feedback from Gig Performer as I’m not sure it will mess up the communications with the editor if they are simultaneously connected.
So basically we are using BMT 1 for Gig Performer and BMT 2 for the MC6 Editor.
I don’t have an MC6 controllers so you will need to give it a try to see if it works. I see messages from the editor but not sure how an MC6 would respond to them.
Thank you Steve.
I’ve loaded everything and while the editor connects and works (I see feedback when pressing buttons), Gig performer doesn’t receive anything. I’ve set it up exactly as you showed in your post…
Any ideas?
It worked, altough the browser disconnected the first 2 times I tried to connect it. If the browser takes over BMT-1, why not let it use it and route Gig Performer to BMT-2?
Also Ableton Live 12 Roland GFC-50.bmtp (2.3 KB)
now the question is how to combine this with my other project which deals with My Roland GFC-50 foot controller (Attached)…
The browser seems to like to take over any app that is currently not opened so any port that is not opened anywhere else, the browser app, will attempt to open and hence lock down the port.
Your project file does not make sense as you are not using aliases so I don’t know what apps or controllers are connected to what?
Please do not use physical ports. Use descriptive aliases instead.
I assume you are ultimately wanting to send PC messages to Gig Performer, perhaps from your MC6, perhaps from Ableton Live, or maybe from Your GFC-50. I would really need to know the big picture of your intent to understand what you want.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
I tried to assign some aliases but I think i screwd the whole thing up.
The big picture:
I have the following:
Motu express 128 (8 in 8 out Midi interface)
An axiom 61 midi keyboard (which has 3 midi ports in and out)
Roland GFC-50 - an encient midi controler connected to the Motu midi in 8
Morningstar MC6 MK-II midi controler connected via USB
My goal is to use the GFC-50, MC6 and the Axiom 61 to control Gig Performer.
The GFC-50 can only transmit PC messages, which I’d like to convert to CC/Note on-off, this is why I decided to buy Bome.
This whole setup will be used for live looping, controlling MSuperLooper, Scuffham S-Gear 3 and maybe some more plugins.
The project i sent you worked with the looper using the GFC-50 and the axiom 61’s sustain pedal, but now it stopped working and i have no idea what i screwd up…
That’s the big picture. Hope this is enough to set me on the correct path…
Is the line between Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In to Express 128 port 8 from Gig Performer to you GRC 50? If not, what?
Are you putting anything from any of your 3 USB ports on your Axiom 61 through translators?
This should be enough to get your GCF-50 to work but maybe you want to put it on a different Virtual port. Right now it is just going to BMT 1 like the other stuff.
Yes, this is the connection to the GFC-50
The Axiom 61 does not pass thru Bome.
It doesn’t really matter to what Bome port the GFC-50 is connected,
I loaded the file you sent, and defined the aliases as in the attached pic.
The GFC-50 currently does no do anything. I tried connecting it’s port to the Gig Performer port but nothing happened.
The Morningstar editor does not see the BMT-3 input port.
Your alias is set up wrong for your GFC-50. It it needs to point to the physical device where your MOTO exposes the pedal to the operating system. You don’t connect it’s port to Gig Performer, you connect it to Bome MIDI Translator Pro. You then expose the translated messages to Gig Performer as BMT 1 (in my example). If you want to expose it as a different port just point the alias to the virtual port you want to use in both MT Pro and in Gig Performer.
I’m not sure why BMT 3 is not being seen by the Editor. You can try closing your browser. Then restart MT Pro and open you browser to go to the MC6 Editor again.
I notice I have 2 Alias for the MIDI editor so this version only has one.
Ok, I’ve fixed the GFC-50 alias and it’s working now.
Gig performer receives it as well as the Morningstar and the Axiom 61.
I tried what you said but the editor still doesn’t see BMT inputs, only outputs…