Mouse x/y position as input to adjust a CC message?

Hey everyone,
I am hoping to be able to use the mouse x or y position to change different CC message according to a keyboard key (combination) pressed, to be able to controll several Ableton Live parameters with the selected Track remote script which I installed on a windows 10 computer. As there is no direct mouse x/y position input in miditranslator pro - as far as I noticed - has anyone a suggestion of a work around? or - if some Bome people are reading this - is there an implementation like this planned? if not I´d like to ask for one, cause it would be really nice!

I believe mouse input is planned in a future release but it is not available now. With that, I created my own “helper” solution called MIDIBuddy that can convert mouse and joystick to MIDI SysEX message that I send to MT Pro. I can then use MT Pro to determine what to do from there. It works only on WIndows.

Here is the page that describe what it does.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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Thanks alot already, looking forward for it and I´ll check out the helper ,-)