MT Pro: problem executing Apple Script

Wow, that was a long research trip :slight_smile:
After everything failed (complete uninstall and reinstall of MT, reset of TCC database entries… and more experiments) I came across these sqlite commands and customized them.

Disclaimer: use these commands at your own risk. They directly modify internal MacOS settings.

Before editing the TCC database, it might be a good idea to back it up. Just in case:

cp ~/Library/Application\ Support/ ~/TCC-Backup.db

Then, add System Events Automation permissions for MIDI Translator Pro:

sudo sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ "insert into access values ('kTCCServiceAppleEvents', '', 0, 2, 3, 1, '??', NULL, 0, '', '??', NULL,1571402310);"

You may need to restart MIDI Translator Pro.

And voila, now it works! I now have the necessary entries under ‘Security → Automation’ and Midi Translator executes the scripts perfectly!
Finally a success, I had almost given up.

Here is another command to read the status of the automation permissions:

sudo sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ "select * from access where service='kTCCServiceAppleEvents';"

and to delete the generated entries:

sudo sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ "delete from access where client like '';"

Thanks for your help! I am so glad that everything is working now.