MTP project not working on bomebox

Hey guys,
Really dont know what I’m doing wrong here … I created a translator project with Midi Translator Pro, while running this software everything works as intended. I uploaded the project to my bomebox, all my devices are connected to it either via CAT or WIFI.
I started the translator and set my aliases but nothing happens. Can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.

I’ll add a phote of my Midi Ports within the bomebox, maybe this helps.

Thanks for any input!

Hi, and welcome back!

Go to your BomeBox main page and make sure you see that the project is running there. See the below example:

If it doesn’t show anything running, go to the project page and start it with ‘Select’.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hey Steve,
Thanks for your answer and sorry for my late reply.

Project is selected and running.
Firmware of BomeBox and Midi Translator Pro are up to date.

I’ll attache same pictures regarding midi ports and routes. For me the aliases look right, but tried every single possibillty.

To clarify: The streamdeck attached to the MacAir sends out Midi Notes via Streamdeck Bus 1. I want to control my SQ5 without needing to have midi translator pro running.

Thanks for your help!

![Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-21 um 15.45.09|690x368](upload://


First of all, when you are running the project on your computer, were is Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In coming from? You have it selected on your BomeBox as the same port as StreamDeck Bus 1.

Next, Maybe go to the Allen and Heath page and see if Automatic routes is turn on there. If it is, then turn it off.

Maybe if you shared your project file, I could tell better what is going on.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hey Steve,
The virtual In is actually not being used. I just disable it as well as auto routes on the Allen & Heath page. Sadly it’s still not working …

I’ll attache my file, just downloaded it from my BomeBox so this is how it looks right now.

Thanks for your help.

SQ Streamdeck.bmtp (2.2 KB)

OK, this seems to be working for me. I removed the Bome MIDI Translator 1 input port and removed it’s routing from the MIDI router. Then I uploaded the file and tested it on BomeBox, sending the data stream to an A&H SQ emulator testing application.

I used Bome SendSX to send note 60 to my BomeBox main port and monitored to see that note 48 (0x30) is received on my emulator (Softkey 1).

Here is what SendSX shows.

And the emulator that is receiving MIDI message.

My Aliases on my BomeBox are set as follows.

My MIDI routing (controlled by the project) is shown as follows:


And here is my A&H page


And finally the slightly modified project.

SQ Streamdeck-sjc.bmtp (2.1 KB)

If you still don’t see anything, I recommend you redirect your alias for the SQ5 back to your computer and then monitor what is coming back there. You can do this with an empty Bome Project with your BomeBox port set up as input and redirect your SQ5 alias back to your Mac.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Alright, i got it working!
I wasnt aware that I had to set up some routes in Bome Network too!
That did the trick.

Thanks for your time!

Best regards

Ah you probably needed a route from your StreamDeck to your network port.

Glad it is all working!

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: