MTP Update?

Hi there, I got the new email. Mentioned working hard on MTP. But can’t find release notes or anything.

Is there an update? :slightly_smiling_face:

Not yet, but based on the email, maybe something pretty soon.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:


MTP update! :grinning: can’t wait.

Out of curiosity, is there a specific feature you are looking for?

  • Dark mode. Customizable brightness and saturation.

  • Row colour-shading banding.

  • Colours. Presets have their own colours, group colours, translators can have their text be coloured. A palette to save, import/export colours. Disabled things would have their text greyed out, still readable but grey. Groups could have the background for that whole group coloured.

  • Group headers (within the presets) to divide translators into sections. They would be collapsible by a drop down arrow. Each group would have its own separate index to number the translators, alongside the static global index. Selecting the group header selects all its translators. Groups can be affected by outgoing actions, which affects all the translators in the group at once.

  • Preset groups. I would make each MIDI device have a collapsible group of presets. The group governs all its presets, and has its own default MIDI in/out (presets have higher priority). It can be disabled itself, or used however presets are. Which affects all the presets in its jurisdiction. Translator outgoing can affect entire groups, just like presets. If a group was disabled, its presets still have their checkboxes checked, but the preset text is greyed out, for visual reference of why they aren’t working.

  • Also preset subgroups. The main group is for the device, the subgroups are for different things that the device does.

  • Icons. Stop flags would put a stop sign icon onto translators etc. A translator, if it’s outgoing effects another translator, and this one is blue text, it will have a blue outgoing arrow icon. Any translator that is affected by this one would have a blue incoming arrow. Changing the translator colour would change its arrow colour. Or there could be a column for in/out arrows.

  • Stop flags could have ‘except for’ added on as secondary actions. "Stop processing except do process this other thing/s (such as enabling a light. So that the stop flags can be where they should be, instead of having to be only with the lights translators, etc.)

  • Multiple outgoing actions for one translator. A translator sends a command but also toggles a light, etc.

  • An option to make the translator “numbered outgoing” latch onto presets. Currently if I want to affect multiple presets in a single action I have to use ‘by index number, not by name’, but if I move the presets then the translator breaks, having different numbers, and I have to redo it. This would latch onto them, changing its numbers when the presets change.

  • Or, all objects would have a static ID, not just an index number. MS Project does this for when entries get moved around it doesn’t break anything linked to it. You could search by ID. Incoming/outgoing actions can use the ID #.

  • App latching (MTP starts when FLS starts, closes when FLS closes)

  • Formula manager that you could save all your formulas in a database. Name them, sort and group them. It would show where they are used, how many times. You could copy them to clipboard, jump to its used locations etc. Same as the variables manager.
  • Notes manager. You can put your own notes, etc. here. Would be like windows wordpad.
    Searchable with the main search filters. Can make a to-do list for what to change, what to test, keep an eye on etc. and a personal journal of your history etc. Entries could have bookmarks to jump to any place in the project.
  • Sequence manager. Groups of translators saved in groups in a database. With custom names and descriptions: ‘This sequence opens the browser and closes the mixer’ etc. Little numbers showing how many of that sequence are in the project and where. Click them to jump to that location. A button to copy the sequence to clipboard, then paste it wherever you want.
  • Timers manager. Same as the sequence manager, but for timers.
  • Variable manager. Shows which ones are available, which ones are used where. You can give variables a name, tag and description, and then find them by that and/or where they are used, or what they do etc.

  • Variables are colored according to if they are used and by which preset, or custom colours defined in the variable manager.
  • Hovering the mouse over any variable, with a delay, would show a tooltip showing all places it’s being used, or if it’s free to use. The variable manager would have a tooltip section to type what the text would be for each variable’s tooltip.
  • Mouse control that doesn’t track the mouse but an outgoing action that only captures its current location, saving it to two (x y) variables, to return it to the same spot for the mouse click macroes.
  • Custom column setup to show/hide desired data. Can filter, sort by column. Resize all to fit, reorder columns. Add/remove columns. I would have other columns like what group this translator is in (name of group), if it’s part of a sequence (name of sequence), if it has rules (its own column) etc.
  • Bookmarks. Add bookmarks to anything, they would be on a drop down menu at the top. Name the bookmarks. Clicking on one would jump the project to that place. And global bookmarks to open another project, then jumping to that place in it.
  • Tags that could be assigned to translators, presets, groups, rules, sequences.
  • Import/Export all databases, bookmarks, tags, colour palette.
  • A good search function for the databases and the project as a whole. Filter by everything, or translator titles, presets, tags, colours, device names etc.
  • The errors box stop telling me what is not plugged in etc. (suppress errors).
  • ‘App Focus’ incoming action. I would disable preset groups according to what program is focused. Or disable MTP when FLS loses focus (this may be problematic with child windows)
  • Set audio driver outgoing action. You could tell Windows or apps to run certain audio drivers, including virtual ones like Voicemeeter. You could swap audio drivers with hotkeys, incoming actions etc. Have multiple audio interfaces running that are being used by certain apps, All controlled by MTP.
  • Add your Bome virtual piano MIDI keyboard plugin to MTP. You could link it up to a MIDI keyboard, test translators on it to hear and see its effect before deploying it to the DAW.
  • Make ‘Auto Start With Windows’ MTP run on the taskbar (button right side) but not the GUI. It still works but you have to launch the program to edit a project. Less resource use. The minimize window button would close the GUI to taskbar. The x button would exit MTP.
  • Master preset. This one is not a part of the other presets. It governs devices plug in/out, main translators like disable MTP etc. , assigns defaults to MIDI devices such as ports and which presets/groups that device is used with (then you could use “default” on things because it’s already defined in the master preset). When devices are changed MTP only reads the master preset. A checkbox for devices that ‘when not running, disable its group/s’. This is also where defaults are defined. "When FLS is launched, set gb=1, gc=0 etc.
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woo hoo! that is a great feature request list!

Some of them are already available (I think), some of them are already planned in one or in another way, and some are entirely new. We’ll add them to our feature tracker.

As always, no promises, especially for the upcoming release, but we’ll report back here when any of these features make it into a release.




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