Need Help Setting Up Triggers for DaVinci Resolve with Faderfox UC4 on macOS

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to set up triggers in Bome MIDI Translator to control DaVinci Resolve using my Faderfox UC4. I’ve watched several tutorials on YouTube, but I can’t seem to replicate what I see in the videos. Unfortunately, I can’t figure out why it’s not working as expected.

Here’s my setup:
• macOS (Sequoia 15.2)
• Faderfox UC4
• DaVinci Resolve

I’ve considered two possibilities:
1. I’m missing something obvious or not understanding the setup properly.
2. There might be specific macOS-related issues causing this problem.

I would greatly appreciate any advice or guidance! If someone could help me identify what I’m doing wrong or provide an example configuration for DaVinci Resolve with the Faderfox UC4, that would be amazing.

Thank you so much for your help!

Best regards, Nikita

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

Is there a particular incoming trigger and outgoing action that you are trying to accomplish? Are you looking for outgoing keystrokes or mouse clicks to do something or are you just looking to control Fairlight?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi Steve,

Thank you for the warm welcome!

I’m currently exploring how to use my Faderfox UC4 with DaVinci Resolve, particularly within the Fairlight page for audio editing. My goal is to map incoming MIDI signals from the UC4 to specific keystrokes or mouse actions within Resolve to streamline tasks like:

  1. Adjusting volume and panning for individual audio tracks.

  2. Navigating the timeline more efficiently (scrolling, zooming, moving to the next/previous clip).

  3. Controlling transport functions (play, pause, stop, step forward/backward).

  4. Activating frequently used functions like mute, solo, or adding keyframes.

At this point, I’m looking for guidance on the best way to translate UC4 MIDI messages into keystrokes or mouse actions using Bome MIDI Translator Pro. Specifically:

• How to handle the mapping for continuous controls (faders and encoders).

• Any best practices for assigning multiple layers of controls for different workflows.

• Suggestions for dealing with complex mouse actions like dragging keyframes.

I’m relatively new to Bome MIDI Translator, so any advice, example mappings, or tips on creating an efficient workflow would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your help!


This example is using CC0-CC7 on MIDI CH 1 in Relative 2 mode (CCr2) to click on a portion of the screen and drag the mouse left or right (depending on knob turn direction).

The click location is determine by the rules of translator 1.0 (Preset 1 translator 0). After determining the desired screen location you want with Davinci Resolve, you need to edit the rules to those locations.

In this example rr is the horizontal coordinate and ss is the vertical coordination. It is very important that the screen locations for these mouse clicks do not change. Bome MIDI Translator Pro is not aware of the current mouse pointer location.

Here are the rules for the 8 knob locations that I used.

// 1st CC
if pp!=0 then skip next 2 rules
// 2nd CC
if pp!=1 then skip next 2 rules
// 3rd CC
if pp!=2 then skip next 2 rules
// 4th CC
if pp!=3 then skip next 2 rules
// 5th CC
if pp!=4 then skip next 2 rules
// 6th CC
if pp!=5 then skip next 2 rules
// 7th CC
if pp!=6 then skip next 2 rules
// 8th CC
if pp!=7 then skip next 2 rules

Here are how I have my alias set up.

You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.

UC4-Faders-to-Mackie-MCU-2025-01-20.bmtp (1.3 KB)

For controlling Fairlight, you need to put Fairlight into Mackie MCU mode. I set up BMT 1 as the input port that Bome MIDI Translator Pro will send to Fairlight. This example is for faders only. I use CC48-55 on MIDI CH 2 for the 8 faders and CC 112 on MIDI CH2 for the master fader (crossfader on the UC4).

Translator 0.0 controls the translation from MIDI CC to Mackie MCU and translator 0.1 handles the master fader.

In this project I have my aliases set up as follows:

I use calculations within rules to figure out the desired Mackie MCU fader messages to send.

The messages are raw MIDI

1 - Touch fader - Note-on MIDI CH 1 note 104-112 value 127
2- Move fader - Pitch Bend Fader 0-7 and master where MIDI CH is the fader number
3- Release fader -Note-on MIDI CH 1 note 104-112 value 0

If you use different incoming MIDI CC’s you will need to recalculate the message rules.

UC4-Faders-to-Mackie-MCU-2025-01-20.bmtp (1.4 KB)

I hope this gets you started. There may be other examples from this forum that you can also use for other functions.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Here is a link that describe the Mackie MCU protocol. MIDI messages used are toward the end.

Thank you for providing the preset to help me integrate my Faderfox UC4 with DaVinci Resolve via Bome MIDI Translator Pro.

I’ve been working hard to configure everything correctly, but I’ve encountered an issue that I can’t resolve on my own.

Problem Description:
1. The incoming MIDI messages from my Faderfox UC4 are correctly logged as:

MIDI IN [Faderfox UC4]: B1 20 7F

•	B1: Control Change (channel 2).
•	20: Controller number (32, corresponding to the first fader).
•	7F: Value (maximum position of the fader).

2.	The outgoing messages are also being logged, but the MSB (rr) value remains 00:

MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: E0 00 7F

•	While the LSB (qq) value (7F) is correctly calculated, the MSB (rr) value always stays at 00, regardless of the fader position.

3.	Here are the Rules I am currently using:

// Filter faders (CC 32-39)
if pp < 32 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
if pp > 39 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action

// Calculate MSB (rr) and LSB (qq)
rr = qq >> 7
qq = qq & 127

  1. Despite these rules, rr does not change and remains 00 in the outgoing message.

What I Need Help With:

  1. Why might the MSB (rr) calculation not be applying correctly?
  2. Could there be an issue with how the outgoing message (E0 rr qq) is being processed?
  3. Are there any conflicts or additional configurations I might have missed?

I hope you can guide me through resolving this issue. I’ve tried everything I could think of, but I feel stuck at this point.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance!


So pitch bend has a 14 bit value 0-16383, where CC has a value of 0-127.

There are a few ways to handle this.

  1. Do scaling as outlined in this tutorial.
  2. The easier method is to just to duplicate the MSB and LSB from the incoming value. It seems to work pretty well.

I’ve provided an example with the easier method. Hopefully this will help.

To combine MSB and LSB you would do this

// get msb and put into rr shifted 7 bits left (assume qq=msb)
// or with the lsb (assume lsb =pp)

// Now rr contains the value of 0-16383

UC4-Faders-to-Mackie-MCU-2025-01-21.bmtp (1.4 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: