New MIDI Translator Event Monitor Lights aren`t good to see in Ver 1.91 build 1057

Hey there,

first of all. So great to see the new elegant design of the translator with more functionalities. Looks awesome and I`m excited to play around with it.

But, the event monitor lights arent so good visible as in the versions before. When the lights light up, its still very hard to see them, that they are triggered. For many usings, it`s necessary to see the triggered lights.

The only option I`ve checked is, to switch to the ‘High Contrast inverted’ theme. (The dark mode) But it would be really nice, to see the lights up in the default mode aswell. Maybe would be an option for:

If an incoming message is triggered, the LED goes from blue to green with the exist shiny ring.

And outgoing message goes from red to orange with the exist shiny ring.

Or a better option: switch blue LED at triggering to red and red at outgoing message to blue. So there would be still the two colors, which are almost in use with the exist shiny ring? :smile:

kindest reagards

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Hi Mike,

I’ll pass your suggestion along.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi, we’ve just released the update 1.9.1 build 1060 with improved contrast for the event monitor:


Hey Steve :slight_smile: , Hey Florian :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for the fast fix of the event monitor lights. Now it looks fantastic!
Really beautiful engine.

Wish you both, all the best and stay healthy.

Kindest regards

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