Program Hi-Hat full functionality

Most hi-hat pedals and electronic drum modules send a note when your foot touches the bottom of the pedal movement. The CC data determines the openness of the HH. When the pedal is released, no note is sent, but the combination of notes and CC data, creating a splash effect. Unfortunately my HH pedal only generates the CC data, but doesn’t send any notes. Is it possible to program something in Bome so that my pedal has full functionality?

Thanks in advance!

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

This is most likely achievable with Bome MIDI Translator Pro but I would need to you to open your log window in Bome MIDI Translator Pro and check the MIDI IN Box then capture what your pedal sends. Press and release the pedal and then copy and paste what you see into the log window and post it here.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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Hello Steve, thank you for the quick reply! Here are the messages from the log window:

1: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2D

2: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 31

3: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 36

4: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 39

5: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 3F

6: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 42

7: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 44

8: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 47

9: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 4C

10: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 5A

11: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 62

12: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 6B

13: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 70

14: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 79

15: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 7A

16: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 7A

17: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 7B

18: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 7B

19: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 7B

20: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 7A

21: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 79

22: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 64

23: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 4F

24: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 42

25: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 36

26: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2A

27: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2D

28: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2A

29: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2D

30: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2A

31: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2A

32: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2A

33: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2A

34: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2A

35: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2A

36: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2A

37: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2A

38: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2A

39: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2A

40: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2A

41: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2A

42: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2A

I don’t see any note on messages. Is this just when releasing the hi-hat? I also need to see what you get when pressing down.


This is what is displayed in the login window when the pedal goes up

1: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 69

2: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 67

3: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 48

4: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 3D

5: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 35

6: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 31

7: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2D

8: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 29

9: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 25

10: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 21

11: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 1E

12: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 1C

and that when it goes down

1: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 1E

2: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 21

3: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 23

4: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 25

5: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 29

6: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2D

7: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 2F

8: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 31

9: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 3D

10: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 44

11: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 54

12: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 5E

13: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 69

14: MIDI IN [Panda-Audio midiBeam (2)]: B9 04 6B

This is what is displayed in the incoming ‘Capture MIDI’ window

I try to explain. When playing on a pad, the closed hi-hat (Note 42) should create the open-closed ‘sound effect’ when moving the pedal up and down. When the foot touches the bottom of the pedal movement then note 44 should sound. Maybe this will help?

When are note-off messages normally sent?

Only when I hit the pad. Then a note on and one off are sent

How long after you hit the pad does the note-off get sent?

I really don’t know if this will work but I looked at your CC4 values.

The attached should send a note-on note 44 when CC4 goes higher than 101 and a note-on note 42 when CC4 goes lower than 30. These thresholds are set in the rules of translator 0.0.

We look at whether the note was already sent using the global variable ga. This also tells us the last note sent. If ga<0 then the note was not sent.

We then start watchdog timer to turn of the note in 500ms which is set in the local variable vv in the rules of translator 0.0.

The watchdog timer continuously monitors CC 4 activity and if there is none, will send the note off message.

I use ‘Perform’ in rules to both send note-on messages and trigger the watchdog timer.

The watchdog timer when tripped sends the note-off message and sets global variable ga back to -1 indicating that no note is being held.

Translator 0.0 also allows the original CC4 to always go through.

I set up my aliases as follows but you should point them to your actual MIDI ports you are using.

You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.

Drum-Note-w-HiHat.bmtp (2.3 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

It’s drum sounds, that happens almost immediately afterwards

OK, I gave it 500ms but that can be adjusted in translator 0.0

I’ve tried everything several times but unfortunately it doesn’t work quite right. Sometimes the note 42 sounds as soon as you put your foot on the pedal. The note 44 sometimes sounds once when the pedal is all the way down, but no longer when the pedal is pressed repeatedly. Actually, it always had to sound when the pedal was hit all the way down. And sometimes the note 44 sounds when the pedal is left up.

In the meantime I have tried other drum software (Superior Drummer 3). There when MIDI note 7 is played on a pad (default for HiHat Edge Trigger) an open Hi-Hat sample is triggered, but the CC04 data received from the pedal along side of the note would tell Superior Drummer 3 which of the 6 levels of openness it’s to play back. This gives me the best realistic solution for the open-closed effect. However, what still doesn’t work with the HiHat controller pedal is the trigger of the closed pedal sample note because it only sends CC04. I’m not sure if a solution is possible.

Hard to tell without having your gear. You can try messing with these variables in translator 0.0 to see it it helps.

// min cc value
// max cc value

The min will sound note 42 on hi-hate opened.
The max will sound note 44 wh when high hat is closed.

Try setting Min to 0 and max to 127 and see what happens.

If you mess with this one then it tells how long you want the note-off to sound after min or max triggers.

// Start watchdog
// milliseconds

Oh and re-download the project file. I found an error in the one I posted yesterday so updated it this morning.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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