Project working in BMTP, but not anymore once uploaded on the BomeBox

Dear all,

I am facing an issue I cannot solve by myself, so I am posting here asking for advice.

A midi clock is sent to the BomeBox DIN. Using the BMTP midi router, the BomeBox DIN transmits the clock to a IAC midi bus, which is finally received by Ableton Live. It works fine.

However, after uploading the BMTP project to the BomeBox, Ableton Live does not receive the clock anymore. I have checked the aliases, and they seem OK. I have also tried to replace the IAC bus by a Bome Network Virtual Midi Port and I got the same results : the project works fine in BMTP, but does not work anymore once uploaded on the BomeBox.

Would you have any suggestion ?

Best regards,


Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

My guess is that your MIDI port names you using while on the computer are different than those used on the BomeBox or that you are not using aliases at all.

You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.

If you post your project file, I should be able to help more.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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Hi Steve,

I watched the aliases tutorial and tried to use aliases, but it did not help.

I think I have solved my problem in the following manner. In Bome Network, I first created a virtual midi port called ‘BomeBox-Mac’. Then within the Bome Network midi router, I created 2 connections. The connection ‘IN: BomeBox-Mac Virtual In → OUT: BomeBox-Mac Virtual Out’ makes the BMTP project works fine. The connection ‘IN: From Matt_s_BomeBox → OUT: BomeBox-Mac Virtual Out’ makes the project uploaded on the BomeMatt_s_BomeBox works fine.

It looks like everything is working perfectly.

Thank you for your help,

Best regards,


I guess that is one way but maybe if you posted your project file, I can show you how to set it up correctly.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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Thanks a lot for your proposition. I’ll be glad to learn the right way to do it. You will find the project attached.


Beat Bars Pedal and Airstep to H90 and Equator2.bmtp (7.8 KB)

When you have everything hooked up to BomeBox, could you tell me the devices that are all there? Maybe you can show a snapshot of MIDI In and Out ports? For everything connected to the DIN ports, please describe what is hooked up to them.

As far as I can tell you have:

Beat Bars Pedal
H90 Pedal 1
H90 Pedal 2

You also have BomeBox-Mac. Is this another BomeBox besides

I assume that when you are running on BomeBox, you do not have the Mac hooked up.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

You will find a screenshot of the project midi ports and router attached.

The 4 pedals (Beat Bars Pedal, Airstep, H90 Pedal 1, H90 Pedal 2) are connected to a USB hub, which is connected to the Bome Box called ‘Matt_s_BomeBox’. The H90 Pedal 2 is also connected to the DIN input of the ‘Matt_s_BomeBox’ (because this pedal only outputs its midi clock through its DIN connector).

Matt_s_BomeBox is connected to a Mac computer with an ethernet cable.

BomeBox-Mac is not another Bome Box. It is a virtual midi port (see my message posted on the 27th jan) I am using to get midi messages from the Airstep into Ableton Live. This is actually the only solution i have found.

Ableton Live gets the midi clock from Matt_s_BomeBox using the BomeBox DIN Remote Direct Midi port activated in Bome Network and thus directly available in Ableton Live (awesome feature by the way).

When the project is runnning on Matt_s_BomeBox, the Mac is hooked up when I play keyboards, not hooked up when playing guitar.

I hope my description is clear !


With the project file that I’m posting I have created the following aliases.

Input Air Step
Input Beat Bars Pedal
Input H90 Pedal 2 - Clock
Output H90 Pedal-1
Output H90 Pedal-2
Output Ableton Live

When running the project on the computer, I disable the project on BomeBox and set the aliases as follows.

Input or Output Alias MIDI Port Ableton Sees as
Input Air Step Matt_s_BomeBox: AIRSTEP
Input Beat Bars Pedal Matt_s_BomeBox: beat bars controller
Input H90 Pedal 2 - Clock Matt_s_BomeBox: BomeBox DIN
Output H90 Pedal-1 Matt_s_BomeBox: H90 Pedal
Output H90 Pedal-2 Matt_s_BomeBox: H90 Pedal (2)
Output Ableton Live Bome MIDI Translator 1 BMT 1

When I run the project on BomeBox, I stop the project on the computer and set the aliases on BomeBox as follows. Note I use Mac Computer Name since I don’t know the name of your computer. You will need to substitute that for the name your computer presents to BomeBox.

Input or Output Alias MIDI Port Ableton Sees as
Input Air Step AIRSTEP
Input Beat Bars Pedal beat bars controller
Input H90 Pedal 2 - Clock BomeBox DIN
Output H90 Pedal-1 H90 Pedal
Output H90 Pedal-2 H90 Pedal (2)
Output Ableton Live Mac Computer Name Matt_s_BomeBox

I can see why you created the new virtual port since BomeBox does not (yet) support Remote Direct MIDI in the reverse direction so I just use the main network port instead since nothing else is using it.

Since the project has a MIDI through path it will automatically be loaded when you run the project on BomeBox.

So basically when you move from one platform to another you need to redefine the alias destinations when you restart the project and then in Ableton Live, point to the new sources based on whether you are running on BomeBox or on a computer.

I hope this makes sense.

I also set up routing at the preset level and used override routing in translators that used different routing. Hopefully I got that right as I have no way to test because I don’t have your gear.

For more information about device routing, see this tutorial.

Beat Bars Pedal and Airstep to H90 and Equator2-2025-02-03.bmtp (7.2 KB)

At some point in time when BomeBox can see Remote Direct MIDI ports, using the main network port should not be needed.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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