Quick Filter Clock

Hi all, is it possible to filter clock at MIDI IN from the Log Window?

I tried F8 in quick filter but nada.

Ideally just the F8 would still like to see start and stop but if it all needs to go thats fine too.


Are you looking to filter out incoming clock messages or just show incoming clock messages? F8 will show all incoming messages with “F8”. It is pretty difficult to filter out incoming F8 message unless but something other than “F8” in the filter field. If is much easier to filter outgoing message by having a translator with outgoing as “None”. You may want to try this, however.

  1. Create a translator with incoming F8 and outgoing F8. Note the translator number.
  2. Create a filter with a different translator number (ie “2.” if the translator number for F8 created above was 1.0 Then of course you will see everything. You will then only see items within preset 2 (and anything else with “2.” in the message.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Got it thanks Steve

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I am still interested in understanding how I can filter out F8 (Midi Clock Messages) from the Log Window when ‘MIDI IN’ is checked. The F8 messages are required for my setup so I cannot configure the Midi In port to disable them, but when I need to analyze Midi In messages using the Log window, the F8 messages coming in at 24x per second makes the log window useless.


I’ll add this to the feature request list if it is not there already. I could have sworn at some time in the path that this was possible in the log window but maybe I’m wrong. Right now, it appears to only be possible in the Capture MIDI field by right clicking and unchecking filter timing messages.
However, if you do not have any tranlsators that look for timing clock you could just check incoming instead of MIDI IN and the messages will not be there. Usually I use the filter search area heavily using message patterns that I’m looking for. Maybe the should be an ‘exclude’ check box to reverse patter so that you can exclude any pattern of your choice so that you would check ‘exclude’ and the F8 in the filter box.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz