Remapping MPE channels - Hapax & Osmose

I think this should be possible but I’m trying to work my head around it.
Expressive E Osmose supports MPE but only wants to use Channel 1 as Manager Channel and notes on Member Channels 2-14.

My sequencer (Squarp Hapax) supports recording / playback of MPE but will send notes on channels 2-16.

I’m thinking it should be possible to use some of the Channel Rotation logic to take the notes on 2-16 and distribute / rotate them through channels 2-14, but I just want to make sure that sounds doable before I put in the work to figure it out.


Hi, and welcome back!

The attached project file should help get you started.

I set the maximum MIDI channel to use in the rules of translator 0.0 with the global variable gp. We also use rules there to rotate outgoing channels and set it back to MIDI CH 2 after we send on MIDI CH 16.

The other rules make sure they are note messages and on any MIDI channel besides 1. When sending a note-on for a new channel, we look at the last note-on and send a note-off on the previous channel so that there are no hung notes.

I didn’t fully test it but it should work with some tweaks.

Good luck!

Rotate-MIDI-Channels-2025-02-05.bmtp (2.1 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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Thanks much, Steve. You always go above and beyond on this forum and it is appreciated. I’ll report back here my experience.

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