Send Outgoing MIDI Note to trigger an other Preset

I am using MT Pro and I would like to send a Midi Message Midi Note ON as Output of a MIDI translator to the MT Pro Input. I opened the MT Virtual Ins and Outs, but got no reaction and no idea what is wrong. Can anyone help me?



Hi, and welcome back.

Bome MIDI Translator Virtual Ports are One way. One end has to be Bome MIDI Translator Pro and the other end any other application than Bome MIDI translator Pro. This is by design to prevent 2 system calls to the operating system MIDI engine and also to prevent MIDI feedback loops.

I suggest you use a timer instead.


Incoming: Whatever MIDI you want in
// any rules you want, if you want to pass variables they need to be global variables
Outgoing : Timer “Send Note” One shot

Incoming: Timer “Send Note”
Outgoing: Note 10 on MIDI CH 1 velocity 127

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Thank you, that helps.

Hi , did you figure it out? I saw another question on my email notification however it appears you edited the text in the posting deleting your questions. I just want to make sure you have it figured out properly.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:
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Yes I figuerd it out. It works. In the beginning I was not sure. :-/ but then I tried it again.
Thank you

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