I’m trying use a Bome virtual MIDI port to send MIDI from Abelton Live 12 to Cubase 13 but I can’t get the Bome virtual MIDI port to work with both applications at the same time. The OS is Windows 11 Pro.
Here’s my Bome MIDI setup using Bome Network v1.6 and Unlimited Named MIDI Ports:
I tested this setup with LoopBe1, and it worked fine, but I can’t figure out what I’m missing with my Bome setup.
Here’s a screenshot of the Bome MIDI port being inaccessible in Abelton Live 12 (because I opened Cubase 13 first) but the LoopBe1 is accessible in Abelton Live 12.
In general MIDI ports cannot be shared with applications on Windows. LoopBE might be an exception in one direction only but I’ve found that sharing MIDI ports on Windows is usually unreliable.
I suggest you use different MIDI ports for each application that you want to share and then use the Bome MIDI Translator Pro router to route the signals. You can use Bome MIDI Translator Pro to either split or merge signals or both.
Her shows and example of a both a split and a merge.
Signals coming from the controller are split to 2 virtual ports.
Signals coming from each virtual port are merged back.
In your case, you may want to reverse the split and merge. It all depends on what you are trying to do. The key thing to remember is no always give every application and virtual port exclusive access. As I say, this is mostly a ‘Windows’ thing.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Thanks for the quick reply. What’s the difference when routing between virtual MIDI ports in Bome MIDI Translator Pro versus how I’m routing with Bome Network and Unlimited Named MIDI ports? I’m curious how routing is different with Bome MIDI Translator Pro compared to what I’m current doing.
Bome MIDI Translator Pro virtual ports have fixed name. You cannot rename them.
Unlimited Named MIDI Ports you can rename to just about anything you like but probably not good to name them the same as other physical devices on the system
With Bome MIDI Translator Pro virtual ports, one side of the connection needs to be Bome MIDI Translator Pro and the other side has to be anything but Bome MIDI Translator Pro .
With Unlimited Named MIDI Ports you can connect to anything on both sides
With Bome MIDI Translator Pro ports you route in to out. There are no other choices.
With Unlimited Named MIDI Ports you can create complex routing such as in to in, out to out, out to in and out to out. They all have distinct uses.
With Unlimited Named MIDI Ports , when you create them, they are not routed to anything. You have to set up routing for them to work. They are just ‘endpoints’ with no connections.
With Bome MIDI Translator Pro routing you can turn routes on and off programmatically using it’s routing features. Example A CC or note message to enable or disable a route.
With Unlimited Named MIDI Ports routing you have to use the Bome Network interface to turn on and off routes manually.
Bome MIDI Translator Pro has 9 input ports and 9 output ports
With Unlimited Named MIDI Ports you are, well ‘unlimited’ as long as your host platform can allocate resources.
I hope this clears things up.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz