Single MIDI Note to MCU control for LV1

I’m no stranger to using MIDI in Ableton to control different software, but I’ve run into a unique situation that I’m trying to get Bome’s help me get through.

So I have a MIDI footpedal with switches that I used for Ableton, but I want to send a few of those midi notes directly to Bome’s and into Waves LV1 that I’m using for my mixer.

I’ve got the routing for the footpedal worked out and I’m getting MIDI over to LV1, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what the message should be to get LV1 Mutes and User buttons to toggle on and off. I’m using the MCU controller but all the Bome files I can find are only doing faders and CC messages but not the buttons for the Function and Global for MCU.

I’ve found a ton of resources, even from this group showing the MIDI notes, but when I send them to LV1, I get nothing and I think it might be just because I don’t have the right outgoing message.

I don’t have a MCU controller or else I feel like this would be a pretty easy solution. Any help would be awesome!

Well, I didn’t expect my first post to be one solving my own problem, but incase anyone else was working on this same issue, I figured it out!

I ended up downloading an MCU controller for my iPad, testing it on LV1 then using the capture MIDI message on Bome to figure out what messages were being sent then put those messages as outgoing and put my MIDI footswitch as the incoming message.

Works like a charm! Super pumped for figuring this out and I’m stoked to keep diving deep into BMT to figure out other cool things I can do with it!

I’m glad you figured it out!

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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