Splitting Up Midi Channels into Separate Virtual Midi Ports

Many things can be done with less rules if you use multiple translators. I’ve found that by using rules, you can change a lot more in single translators much quicker. It is a matter of preference. Rules are primarily the major power of Bome MIDI Translator for very complex actions and dependencies.

You can use separate translators for each type of incoming trigger and then map (without rules) to the desired outgoing MIDI channel. So you would generally need separated translators for

Note On
Note Off
Pitch Bend
NRPN (a form of CC)

Or you can do like the example I did with less translators and more rules.

Using global variable and rules, will make it much more flexible as you can define the desired incoming and outgoing channels as global variables and quickly change them in one place without adjusting all translators.

For instance, if I want to map MIDI CH 1 to MIDI Channel 5 I could set incoming global variable ga to 0 and outgoing global variable to gb and as I did in the attached project file.
I use local variables to make a translator handle any note or any velocity instead of 128 translators for 128 possible note numbers. and 128 translators for a possible 128 velocities.

I set translators for both note-on and note-off but you would need to set it for other types of MIDI messages

You could set up a translator to define the desired split point and then use rules in the note-translators to process output on different channels based on the split point.

I just showed someone else and example here.

Note-Channel-Mapping-Example.bmtp (2.0 KB)

Again, being a long time support person for Bome, I’ve found ways to use variables and rules to make bigger changes in project files without the need for re-doing multiple translators. I share these with users usually to help them not have to do a lot of re-work, but as you say, the examples sometimes might be somewhat confusing to new users. Most of our tutorial examples use the simple methods but are often harder to maintain.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz