I’ve just purchased the Bome Box and Translator Pro but struggling to get started. I’ve got a Icon M+ controller and want to control the DCA faders on the SQ5 with this.
I found @22fuzzi excellent file but finding this a bit overwhelming to find what I need to change for just basic fader control of the DCAs.
Would anyone be able to give me some starting help?
Hi and welcome to the Bome community!
I put this together a few years ago and it should work. You will need to put your iCON M+ in Mackie MCU Mode.
I don’t have an SQ5 to test with, however.
NanoKontrol-SQ5-Example-DCA.bmtp (1.9 KB)
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Thanks very much for the quick reply Steve and the example file.
I’ve tried it in Mackie mode and then the other modes on the controller and it doesn’t quite work. The faders are really jerky unlike the other example file I have. Can you think what might be causing that? I think I can see in the other example I have they’re using MIDI Control Change 14-bit as the incoming but they’re also using HUI mode.
Not sure but maybe I can look at the example you have. My version will not work correct if you are in HUI mode. Just Mackie mode. If you can capture log MIDI Input and output, maybe I can take a look at what is happening.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Hi Tom, send you an PM
Just wanted to say thank you to you both for your help with this. With your examples I’m now getting my head round it. I’ve made some edits to 22fuzzi’s template and I’m achieving what I’m after. Thanks very much!
Glad we could help!