Support for RTP Midi?


I know this has been raised many times, but just want to add my voice to the chorus.

Support for RTP Midi would solve many issues.

For me:

  1. I have a Behringer XR18 digital mixer which can be completely controlled via RTP Midi. Currently I use the XR18 as the midi router for my iPad via USB. XR18 supports routing Midi OR receiving midi, but not both. As it’s my audio interface, I must connect the iPad to the USB port and use the routing capability, hence I cannot control the mixer via midi (only with their RTP Midi-based iPad app).

  2. I am about to receive a Behringer X Touch control surface for my DAW (Cubasis) and the XR18. I would appreciate being able to connect the X Touch via my midi network and beloved Bome Box so I could control both the DAW and the mixer at once, as the device is designed to do. This again requires support for RTP Midi to access the midi control features of the XR18. RTP Midi is needed because, as stated above, my XR18 had to be set to route midi and not to accept it from the DIN or USB ports.

Thanks for any updates about RTP Midi support in BomeBox!


I want to take this opportunity to state the obvious: BomeBox rules!

My BomeBox and BMTP have enabled me to solve every midi problem I’ve encountered in completely customizing control over my complex rig.

Thank you Bome Software!

Hi @Dov.Goldman ,

+1 on your suggestions, however you can currently control both XR18 and Behringer X-touch with the Beta version of Bome Network on your iPad, or the released version of Bome Network on PC or Mac.

If you don’t have the beta version of Bome Network, please use our contact form to request it. We will need you iPAD UDID, however to provide the beta version as the application is not yet available on the Apple Store.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Thank you Steve. I have submitted the form.

I take it that I can use Bome Network iPad to act as a router? I “aim” my X Touch at the iPad and the iPad routes RTP midi between the X Touch and the XR18?



Sorry, maybe I misunderstood. The XR-18 would be connected via USB, You can use BomeNetwork to access any device connected via USB on the BomeNetwork. Either via BomeBox, Mac, Windows PC and I believe iPad.

If you want to use XR-18 network native, you will indeed need rtpMIDI. The XR-18 also has a USB connection and that is how we expose it to Bome Network.

If you have WIndows or Mac running rtpMIDI, you can use these as a gateway if you want to connect diretly to network on the XR-18.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

That option may indeed work quite well for me. If I use BomeNetwork as the router between BomeBox and my iPad, I can turn off the midi pass-thru on the XR18. At that point the XR18 will accept Midi from the iPad via USB and via DIN Midi In/Out, from the multitude of USB and Midi gear that my BomeBox sees.

Does that sound like it would work?

I’m assume that BomeNetwork on iPad creates a “Network Session 1-like” Midi channel that my iPad apps can interact with. Do I have that right?

I have a 2010 MacBook Pro that I use for configuring gear and testing BMTP programs before loading them into BomeBox. I don’t use the Mac when I’m playing or recording. BomeBox is controller!


Hi I believe this will work, but not 100% sure.

I know that you can see remote USB connection on PC, Mac and iPad using Bome Network and they look like locally connected ports to the device. You can also see USB devices and DIN device connected to a BomeBox but not currently the reverse. The BomeBox will not see a USB connected device on a Mac for instance.

From the application perspective, everything looks local. Each connected device has its own internal connection (not called a session).

I’m not sure whether the XR-18 can route between USB (seen as local connection) to and from the rtpMIDI network.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

That sounds like it would work.

RTP Midi doesn’t enter this picture at all.

I will connect anything I want to “see” to my MioXM and BomeBox, including the XR18 and X Touch.

The iPad DAW will see the gear through the BomeNetwork connection. Thus, I can disable the XR18 Midi pass-thru, making the XR18 responsive to Midi from the BomeBox/MioXM network.

I look forward to trying this!

Great, once you get the Beta, please keep us informed on your experience.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi Steve,

Should I have gotten the invitation to the Beta by now?


I have not yet seen another build. I’m sure @florianbome is working on one and since we have your UDID, you should be included.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Sounds good. Very much looking forward to giving it a spin.

Hey guys,

Just wondering if there is any update on bomebox rtpMIDI support?

I need a fully out of the box solution for a studio build and if rtpMIDI support is close i can wait but if not i will look into buying some extra hardware.



Hi @Borge

Although it is on our road map for future development, there are no official timelines so you should probably not wait for us and move forward with your alternate plans.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Any update on this?

I’m using Bomebox to land a number of extra MIDI usb connections to my mioxl (which is the hub of my studio as I’m using 10 in/10 out plus USB hosts and preset switching).

As a workaround, I’ll be landing them via DIN MIDI for now but it would be great to route them as multiple RTP MIDI connections instead. This would give me a lot more options with how I route and manipulate traffic (e.g coming from a device on the MIOXL, going out to the BOMEBOX for translation and then returning to a device on the MIOXL).

I do appreciate that development of Bome Network is the priority but it would great to hear if there has been any progress or plans for this.



Hi @j.argyle

Unfortunately, there are no updates at this time regarding a timeline for rtpMIDI support on BomeBox. In the meantime you can either use MIDI DIN or USB bewteen your mioXL and your BomeBox or use a computer to bridge between RTP MIDI and Bome Network connections.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: