Switching from Mackie Control to general Midi CC for motorised fader control surface

Hi Steve, thanks for the answer! I will start from scratch with my own design and make this a learning experience, and I will chime in with any problems I stumble upon! Thanks!

Hi Steve - I saw an email last week regarding using my files as a "jump start". I'm happy for you to share them with users. I work long hours as a Project Manager and don't tend to my music muse for long periods so I'm afraid I can't offer support though.

Hope you're keeping well!

Kind Regards



Hi Sean! Thanks for coming back, in the meantime, I found your docx from below which I had downloaded about an year ago, and I actually managed to get everything I needed up and running, I particularly benefited from your documentation of the expressions to convert Pitchbend values to CCs. Bome is really powerful, and goes beyond what many commercial midi controllers can do!

good to hear Marco. Bome’s a great product with a great team! Have fun watching those faders fly!

Thanks Sean! I see Marco got your updates!

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist

Hi Loïc,

I've done lots of similar solutions. Converting from Mackie MCU to CC mode is pretty straight forward. If you want to keep the settings (faders, V-Pots etc) as you switch between modes, then it requires a bit more planning because you will want to store the values of these for both native and emulated controller types. That way you can snap back to their original values as you switch mode. Going through all of this on the forum is way beyond the scope of support here but a few tips could be provided. If you want a full functional solution, I offer paid services and you can reach out to me via email.

I have a Behringer X-Touch Compact which emulates Mackie MCU mode, and I have done things to be able to switch modes on it. If I remember, I even have it running Mackie HUI which isn't natively supported by that device. I also run multi-mode with my cheap Behringer X-touch Mini. I typically use double tap gestures to switch between operation modes.

I'm pretty sure you can get your MCU working in CC mode as well. Just remember, your MCU will always be in MCU mode and you will be using Bome MIDI Translator Pro to either translate or pass through messages and use global variables to monitor the state of all of your controls in both modes.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Hi guys,

I'm hugely interested in a similar solution, and might buy BMT for this sole purpose.

My setup is based on MCU + Logic Pro X

I'd like to be able to switch MCU to "midi cc" on the fly (shame Mackie doesn't support this !) to control VIs (CC1, CC11, CC21, and all usual suspects).

Of course, I'd like to see motorized control move with the automation once I play the project (and benefit from Touch mode to correct a running automation).

I guess that the hardware used & the DAW is of little concern since the protocols are quite the same across DAWs.

Did you manage to get a solution working ?



Hi @gollogls and @stevec,

I have the same setup as yours (Cubase; Metagrid), except the D400 control surface (i’m using Qcon Pro G2).

Do you mind to share more explanation on the Cubase’s routing (Mackie Control(s) routing; Generic Remote, etc); and the Metagrid button/command…

Much thanks guys

7 posts were split to a new topic: Presonus FaderPort 16 MIDI Feedback with Cubase

I am looking for the document you wrote on Cubase and converting CC to pitch bend and back
Can kindly share the same
My email is rbache2@gmail.com
Advance thanks

Mackie Fader to CC example for the firs fader

Incoming Raw MIDI E0 pp qq
Outgoing Control Change CC 1 on MIDI CH 1 value pp

For CC to Mackie just switch incoming and outgoing. and make outgoing E0 pp pp

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Thank you Steve.