Toggle between two colors each time I press the same pad

Hello, first of all thank you very much for reading me.

I am mapping my Xone K2 in Ableton for a live session, therefore, on the master channel, I put a plugin which allows me to mute the whole session through an option that is mapped by midi to one of the pads of the Xone K2, but I haven’t been able to get visual feedback on what I’m doing. For example, I would like the pad to be green when the plugin’s “mute” function is off. Then when you press the same pad the “mute” function will be activated, therefore the whole session will be muted, but I would also like that when you press the pad, it changes to red. That way, each time you press the pad, it changes to the other color. I hope I have been understood, thank you very much.

Hi, I’m not sure if Ableton Live uses latching layers or not for Xone K2. In order to user user control the color of the LED’s latching layers need to be off. If latching layers is on, the only colors that can be sent is the color of the layer or off.

You will really need to look at the Xone K2 manual for the LED mapping which starts on page 17.

With that said, I’ve included a mapping that provided LED feedback from MT Pro that will toggle the LED from Off, to Red, to Amber, and Green and then back to off.

I’m using the A button here and it turns out Off is Note 36 with a value of 0, Red id Note 36 with a value of 127, Amber is Note 72 with a value of 127 and Green is note 108 will a value of 127.

I use the global variable ga to increment between 0 and 3 and then back to zero again.

I’m using a MIDI thru path to send to Ablton Live but it always sends the same note number there (36)

Please see the attached.

Xone-K2-Demo-2021-05-08.bmtp (1.1 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Sorry for taking a long time to respond. First of all, I thank you for the fast and efficient service, I could not be more satisfied with the help you give me. Thanks for the project, I have reviewed it and it works perfectly, that was what I was looking for. Without further ado, any questions you may have I will write to you again. Thank you!

Glad you got it working!

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: