Translator Pro not sending MIDI Out to any output

I am having weird issue where In coming and outgoing messages are correct, but Log Window shows nothing and the Event Monitor only show MIDI In.

I have done this particular setup with this same project numerous times. MIDI Monitor shows the MIDI coming into Bome, but not the outgoing Hexadecimal number…but it shows up in the Translator Outgoing Message Tab, Very strange!

Hi Rob,

It is possible that you do not have the correct output device/port selected.

For more information about device selection, see this tutorial.

If you post your project file or show me the log and the select input and output ports, I could probably help you from there.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

No I have triple checked and have don this same exact setup numerous times. Very aware of the possibility of human error! I have tried the exact setup at my studio and it works flawlessly. I have never had it a situation where within Bome the MIDI Out light does not trigger. It’s not that it’s not getting to the source…it’s never leaving Bome and that has been confirmed using the spy feature of MIDI Monitor. Regardless of the output. But I will watch the tutorial.

OK, are you on Windows or Mac. On Windows the port can be only opened on one device or application so perhaps another device is holding the port open preventing the signal getting to the device or application you want to send to.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: