Trigger action when specific sys ex data is received

I’m trying to get the system convert sys EX data coming to output a program change, but nothing happens.
Any idea what’s wrong?

I would have thought that what I’ve entered should output something like :
8: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 3 Virtual Out]: C0 01
9: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 6 Virtual Out]: C0 01
10: OUT 0.1 Program Change on ch.“rr”=0 (ch.1) with program:1 (0x01)

I will be duplicating this idea for 20 different sys ex streams with the intension of triggering 20 program changes.

Hope you can offer a bit of advice !

Kind regards,


Hi and welcome back.

Well with your screen shots, I can’t see anything wrong so maybe you have the wrong input and output device ports selected.

For more information about device selection, see this tutorial.

See my attached example. The desired ports are selected at the preset level.

My aliases are as follows. You will need to modify them to your actual used ports.


Here is a screen shot of my test:

And the project file used.

SysEx-to-PC-2024-01-19.bmtp (1.3 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Thank you so much!

I’ve spent hours and hours trying to get this to work (for over a year) and I was convinced it must be possible.

It was the one thing that really annoyed me - Studio One is not compatible with Hauptwerk software and now it works exactly as it should. It was my original reason for buying BOME in the first place (okay, I’ve used it for various other things and it works so well)

All works perfectly now. You were right (of course) - for some reason my ports were not set up correctly.

With best wishes.


I’m glad you got it working!

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: