Hi - and thanks for having me
I’m trying to update the firmware of my Dreadbox ‘NYMPHES’ by using SendSX.
It does not work on my main system still running on Windows 8.1 - the device does not appear in the ‘MIDI Out’ drop dow menu (only MS MIDI mapper & GS wavetable).
Checked my device manager for errors, everything seems fine.
To spare me search/download time I then packed the SendSX install, plus firmware files into a .zip file to email it to another system (using Win10). That mail never arrived, but the ‘GMX Mailer Daemon’ sent me an alert, that my adress is trying to send malicious emails. Tried sending to a different adress, same result: The SendSX_1.4.200 install routine can’t be sent by email!
Checking the file online returned following result:
3 security vendors and no sandboxes flagged this file as malicious - W32/InstallCore.BB.gen!Eldorado detected
Any ideas? Thank you