Trying to make APC 20 buttons flash buttons on MA2

I am stuck trying to figure out how to change the personality of the buttons on my APC20. Currently they are acting like toggle buttons, and I want them to be momentary/flash buttons. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I have added another translator with a delay and note off but that’s not what I’m looking for, I want them to be more of a launchpad type.

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

Send your APC20 the below raw MIDI message and everything will be momentary.

F0 47 7F 7B 60 00 04 41 08 02 01 F7

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

awesome, thank you!

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How do I send the message to the device?

I would have a translator with incoming trigger of Project Start and outgoing action Raw MIDI with the above and the outgoing action to specify your APC-20 Device.

I actually use this construct.

Translator 0.0 - Incoming Trigger Project Start Outgoing Action Timer ‘Init’
Translator 0.1 - Incoming Trigger Keystroke Ctrl-UP Outgoing Action Timer ‘Init’
Translator 0.2 - Incoming Trigger Timer ‘Init’ outgoing action Raw MIDI (above SysEX) to device APC-20

That way I can use the Timer ‘Init’ to do other startup actions if I want’ and I can re-initialize everything with a keystroke if desired as well.

See this tutorial.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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