Hi and welcome to the Bome community!
Before we go too far, there are many gaming applications that block keystrokes generated from the actual keystrokes, so make sure that this works with the trial version of Bome MIDI Translator Pro before proceeding.
The attached project file should help.
Translators 0.0 and 0.1 handle pushing a MIDI controller and sending a CC (fader) value up and down respectively. We use the global variable ga for the desired output value. Rules in translator 0.0 increment the value of ga by a pre defined amount (local variable pp). Translator 0.1 handles decrementing the amount.
Here are the rules of translator 0.0.
//determine increment about
// don't let value go over 127
if ga>127 then ga=127
For your second requirement we initiate sending 5 “F’s” with translator 0.2 which starts a repeating timer. We set the number if times to repeat and how often in the outgoing section.
The timer simply sends the keystrokes when triggered. The keystrokes will be sent to whatever application is focused.
For the third requirement, I’m not sure what you want as when Bome MIDI Translator Pro translates keystrokes, the incoming keystroke is not suppressed. For this I would suggest using AutoHotKey if on Windows and perhaps Keyboard Maestro if on Mac.
We could certainly use a timer to send keystrokes out at whatever rate we want but the application may not recognize them if the rate is too fast.
For the translators 0.0 through 0.2, you may want to modify your incoming trigger for your controller. Also you may need to modify your aliases.
Mine are set up as shown below:
You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz