Tutorial: Using the Perform Rule in Bome MIDI Translator Pro


We just published a new tutorial titled ‘Tutorial: Using the Perform Rule in Bome MIDI Translator Pro’

This tutorial shows you how you can use the new rule called ‘Perform’ to call other translators from within rules of any translator. This allows you to call multiple ‘Perform’ actions within a single translator and pass values to the incoming actions.

Note: this tutorial requires Bome MIDI Translator Pro version 1.9.1 or higher.

The tutorial can be found here.

The attached is the project file used in the tutorial. There are several versions of the ‘Trigger’ preset as we changed things throughout the tutorial. Only enable one at a time.

APC-Key25-LED-Feedback-2023-12-29.bmtp (2.5 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
