Using Midi translator to translate pedalboard input to fake a press space on keyboard

Is it possible to use Midi translator to translate pedalboard input to fake a press the space key on computer keyboard? That would be very useful for my purposes.


If your pedalboard sends MIDI data then yes. What type of pedalboard do you have? Does it send MIDIdata? Can you provide a link to it if you are not sure?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Crumar mojo pedals. It sends midi data.
Is it as simple as on this video:

If so, then I will be able to do that.
Can a Bome translator also map a midi signal to multiple signals?
For example, press one key of a keyboard and output a chord to the computer music software to play?

Thanks for ypur reply

Yes, although for outgoing keystrokes, you might need to focus the given application before sending it. This usually requires 1 translators, one to immediately focus the application and another to send the keystroke with a slight delay. Both translators would have the same incoming trigger.

Yes, either with multiple translators with the same incoming trigger and each having their own outgoing action. You can also use a single translator and use raw MIDI data to output multiple MIDI messages.

Yes, same incoming MIDI signal and send out 3 different note messages.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Thanks, Steve, this will keep me busy for a while :slight_smile: