It might be possible that AkaiPro has created an Ableoton MIDI remote script to make them appear separate controllers. If not then it would be fairly simple to make the second on send on MIDI channel 2 instead of MIDI channel 1. You would likely need to use MIDI learn so that Ableton Live would know what to do with the controls on the second controller. If this is what you are looking for, let me know and I can create something for you tomorrow when I’m on my computer that has MT Pro installed. It is also possible that I already created something so look around here by searching this forum.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services:
Yes please if you are able to make a preset that would AMAZING.
Unfortunately I’ve been doing my google searches and haven’t found an Akai APC Mini mk2 remote script anywhere. I’ve been trying to read through the Bome Midi Translator manual and also some youtube videos however I haven’t been able to sort it out.
What makes it maybe more complex is that it only has a script for Ableton 11 (which is still the normal integration script). I have the live lite version and there is no way to change the midi channels for the APC mini 2 on there either.
I need to be able to use both Akai APC controllers with their own separate mappings. Kind of annoying since I bought these 3 days ago for this exact purpose only to not be able to use them accordingly.
First of all I would try this MIDI Remote Script that I pulled from Live 11 and see if it works with 2 APC MINI MK2s. For me it is placed in this folder but your folder might be different since your are on Ableton Live 10 intro.
Unfortunately, I cannot test their script with 2 controllers as I only have 1 APC MINI MK2.
If their script doesn’t work for you, you can use the below project file with MIDI learn to access your second controller. It seems that you should have been able to get the above MIDI Remote script from AkaiPro directly since they developed this controller specifically for use with Ableton Live.
I have aliases set up as follows:
You will need to set this up to point to your second APC MINI MK2. In Ableton Live you would connect to your first controller directly bypassing Bome MIDI Translator and then use ‘BMT 1’ for the second controller.
MT Pro is converting all messages to from MIDI CH 1 to MIDI CH 2 coming from your second controller to Ableton Live
It is converting all main matrix note numbers coming back from Ableton Live to MIDI CH 6 (to make the LED’s brighter). This would be for MIDI learn only since you probably do not have a MIDI remote script for this. Since the side buttons just use MIDI CH 1, no conversion coming backs is done