What does this error mean: Error(017): cannot open system clipboard

As title. Manual doesn’t seem to be helping me. I get it it when I start MT.

This is a system level error. By default Bome MIDI Translator Pro does nothing with the System clipboard when opened, but it is possible that your project file that you are using could be sending a copy or paste operation with control-c, control-x or control-p or perhaps opening another application at project start that is trying to use the system clipboard. Are you getting this message with any project file that you open or only with a given project file? If you open Bome MIDI Translator Pro, it will always try to open the last known project file that you used, so try and open and save a different project file, then close and re-open Bome MIDI Translator Pro so that a different project file is used.

If you get this error no matter what project file you are using, you might try re-installing Bome MIDI Translator Pro.

Also since the error is a System Level Error, you might what to look into other operating system level reasons why your clipboard is not working. Try opening and editor typing some text and the copying and pasting it to see if you get a similar message.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Thanks. I think I found the rule that was causing the problem.

Awesome! It would be interesting to see what rule created the break.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz