Wireless Midi button


I’m using Midi Translator Pro to trigger my talkback button in my monitor controller, using a midi controller. I want to be able to press a wireless button and trigger the same talkback functionality. Is there a way to do it? Thank you.

I just found out that flic 2 can be added as a midi controller in the ‘Audio Midi Setup’. Has anyone tried these?

I have not used a flic 2. I found it a bit pricy for a single button controller. I have, however used a Korg NanoKontrol Studio which is bluetooth wireless MIDI but it is not a single button controller. I’ve also used a Wireless numeric keyboard to translate from keystroke to MIDI.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Thanks Steve. I’ll try the flic 2 and report back.

Ok I got the flic 2 and here’s where I’m at: they only respond when I press down and there is no acknowledgement of the release. What I’m trying to do is press once and have it trigger note 94 (A#5) with velocity 64, and then press again and trigger note 94 with velocity 1. Is it possible to have BMTP act as a toggle switch and flip between those two commands upon receiving the same midi signal?

Yes, the below should do the trick. I picked note 9 on MIDI CH 1 any velocity but you can change that to the note number you are using.

The logic is simple. It toggles the value of the global variable ga between 0 and 1 and then sends that value on to the application.

It has only one rule.

// toggle between 1 and 0

I set up my aliases as follows . You will need to set them up to point to your actual ports.


You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.

toggle-output.bmtp (1.1 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

It works! Thank you so much. Once again you save the day.

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