X-touch and daslight 5

HI, i’m trying to figure how in can sync my faders with dalight5 when i’m switching between the 2 presets that i’ve created. one for my page 1 (wich send information to daslight on the canal 1) and one for my page 2 (wich send information to daslight on the canal 2).
I have a button to switch between these two pages, but the faders doesn’t sync with the postion of the faders in daslight.

My idea is to have a translator which will be activated when the preset is activated. In which ther’s a rule or something synchronising the faders with the actual canal.
For exemple my fader 1, note 70, canal 1 send info to daslight with a 80% value on the fader of my first group.
I’m switching to canal 2 and moving my fader 1, note 70 to 20% value on the fader of my second group.

My expectations are, when i’ll switch back on my page 1, my fader, take is postion of 80%. if i go page, 2 it goes to 20%.

I’ve tryed a lot of things with tutoriels and chat gpt, but i can’t figure it out. (chat gpt is really bad at it ^^" )

I really hope someone can help me it’s been 3 days i’m trying now and i really don’t understand how it works, i’m totally new at this.

I’ll put my bome project in attachement.

PS : i can’t write on the screens as well, except on screen 1 :frowning:

X-Touch dl5 test-switch faders pages.bmtp (34.3 KB)

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

Well you need to capture the values of each bank in global variables within Bome MIDI Translator Pro, In this case, I used h0-h8 for the fader values of bank 1 and i0-i8 for the values of bank 2,

I disabled your presets and added preset 1 and 2 in their place.
I also added preset 5 to capture fader feedback values (no matter what bank you are on). That preset is always active.

I assume that Daslight sends fader feedback.

Also your rules in fader bank switching are broken. You cannot put comments on the same line as rules. If you see a line in red, then it will not work.

Instead of using different translators for each fader, I have 1 translator that handles all 9 faders with rules to determine the outgoing value.

When banks, change, a repeating timer is set to refresh all of the faders for that bank.

When a bank is activated, the other is de-activated by a translator within that preset. So preset 1 or 2 will be active but never both.

I recommend you clean up your aliases. For my testing and translators I only use:

  • In - DasLight
  • Out - DasLight
  • X-touch IN (in both directiohns)

To no longer be prompted for the other aliases, you need to remove references to them in all presets, translators and thru paths. I removed all thru paths and rely on translators to handle the routing.

You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.

For more information about device selection routing for translators, see this tutorial.

I know this might be a bit overwhelming at first, but if you study it, eventually it should make sense to you.

I didn’t mess with any other translators.

X-Touch dl5 test-switch faders pages–sjc.bmtp (38.6 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

You might need to disable some of your other presets as I noticed that they light up the X-touch when the project starts and then somehow lock things up. I didn’t want to go through your whole project to figure out what was going on.

Actually I disabled them and added one more rule and it took care of the problem. When adding them back in you might want to check that your stuff is not breaking anything.

X-Touch dl5 test-switch faders pages–sjc.bmtp (38.7 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Thank you very much!
The faders are working! :smiley:
I’m actually cleaning up my project. I’m still wondering how I can display text on my different LCD screens. I know how to change it on the first one, but I’m still unable to do it on the other seven.

Where should I look to learn how to do it?

I’m not sure what you mean by displaying text. What are you using to display text? You can move the Bome MIDI Translator Pro window to what every screen you want by dragging it.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Oh maybe you mean the scribble strips?

yeah exactly sorry i’m a french guys so i haven’t the right words :sweat_smile:

Here is the MIDI SysEX format with an example.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

yeah i did it :smiley: i had to use the offset, each screen had 7 characters possible, so for screen 2 i moved my text by 7 etc…

I’ve add it to the switch fader page this way i can change my text with my pages.

The only thing is i haven’t found how can i change the color of the screens


X-Touch dl5 test-switch faders pages-WORKS cleanup.bmtp (38.5 KB)

Yeah the last strip only has 6 characters according to the MCU spec. I think you need to change the protocol to use different colored strips. Search for ‘Midi Implementation’ at the Behringer site. I think I remember seeing something there.

Using ‘Perform’ with parameters might help segment the messages better. For examples

Perform ‘Scribble’,0,1,oo,pp,qq,rr,ss,tt

Where 0 would be top, 1 would be scribble strip 1 and the rest would be the characters you want printed.

Then in the rules of ‘Scribble’ you could use math for the screen location and construct the SysEx message.

For Bottom Row of scribble strip 2, it would be Perform ‘Scribble’,1,2, …

Just a possible implementation example.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

If you want color scribble strips, then you will have to put your X-touch in MIDI mode and change all of your existing translators.

Here is the document on MIDI mode.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Ok I’ll check that thx a lot