Xone k2 bottom buttons note on/off

Hi there,

I got a K2 and noticed it’s impossible to load up another sysex file in it to change note on/off of the bottom buttons ? I mean, even the changing of layers send off a midi note on/off which triggers my VST synth, super annoying.

So I got BOME to translate these note on/off into midi cc.

  1. am i right, can someone confirm the xone k2 indeed does not allow to change it’s midi messages behaviour ?
  2. could someone point me in the right direction tutorial wise to do this ?

much appreciated !

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

You can change the MIDI channel but not the MIDI messages that are sent on the selected channel.

You can also set latching layers on or off which alters the messages on a give layer.

Here is a link to the user guide.

Attached is a template I wrote that alters the behavior of the button messages that will allow it to work with a DAW in a generic mode better. Basically it alters the note number and velocity returned from a DAW to allow LED color feedback. Latching layers should be turned off on your K2.

Xone-K2-2024-12-04.bmtp (12.7 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz


Were you able to get this sorted out?

thank you Steve much appreciated !