Adobe Premier Lumetri

Hi, I may have cracked the code to gt Lumetri (At least white balance and tone settings) to work with MT Pro. See answer for my current solution. Looking for testers but setup is not for faint of heart.


OK, here is what I did. It should work on Windows using Injected keystrokes only (not on Mac)

In Adobe Premier I set up a new Workspace called Lumeti-Undocked

In that workspace, I undocked the Lumetri Color Panel completely and the expended the sections Tone and White Balance and Saved this Workspace. This way I can guarantee the locations of injected keystrokes.

I used my MIDI fighter twister to locate the text edit values for the first 3 parameters only (at this time).

White Balance – Temperature

White Balance – Tint

Tone – Exposure

When I move a knob the following events occurs

1 – I ensure a return is sent (in case it wasn’t done in the past) so that I can click on a given location for the text box for that parameter

2 -When turning a knob, I send injected mouse click to the calculate injected click location (within the Lumetri Color Window)

3 – After a delay, using the same knob, I can twist right or left to send injected keystrokes up or down to change the value of the parameter. The numeric value changes along with the slider.

4 – When I’m done, I press the knob to send a return to let Premier know I’m done with that parameter.

5) If I don’t press the knob, turning another programmed knob automatically sends return for me.


I did this using my MIDI Fighter twister which sends relative values 0x41 for right and 0x3F for left.

I’ll be playing around with it some more but if anyone wants to look at what I have so far and play with it, feel free.


Variable I use

ga – Set to 1 when one of the values is being adjusted using a knob. Set to 0 otherwise

gb =Set to the parameter currently being adjusted 1-3 (that I programmed so far). Otherwise 0. I use this to determine if I need to send another return if twisting a different knob. This way I don’t have to alway press a knob when I’m done. The translator looks to see if I started turning a new knob and send the return for me thereby letting me adjust a new parameter.

I’ll consider putting up a video if someone wants to see the demo of what I have so far.

This has been something people have been asking for some time. I think with a little thought and programming on Mac, I may be able to do something similar there using AppleScript instead of Windows injected keystroke.

This effort would be a paid engagement if someone wants a full solution.

Note, that you will need to set up Adobe Premier as I documented above for it to work correctly, otherwise, the panel and location of controls within the panel may not be in the right place.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist



Note, at this point it is pretty much a work in progress. It may not work on your computer resolution or if you change the size of the Lumetri panel. Right now it is mostly just a proof of concept.
Here is a link to a short video of the Proof of Concept

this is an old post but there are new versions of BMT and maybe now you can use a midi controller for color correction in premiere pro.
I’ve never succeeded!
do you have any suggestions or tutorials, in premiere pro there are no shortcuts for the various color corrections, you could point the mouse but then you have to hold down the mouse button and move left and right, how do I simulate prolonged mouse pressure? ?? maybe with a pad??? How can it be done??’ Thank you

If you can properly place your mouse, then I can create a translator that clicks down and drags as you move your encoder and has a timeout when you stop moving to release your mouse. The key issues is knowing the location to place the mouse on your screen because Premiere Pro does not have it’s controls in a consistent location.

I would need to to the MIDI CH, CC Number and Encoder type to do this. It is easier if you have a relative encoder instead of absolute as the calculations in rules are easier.

I’m also assuming you can do this with mouse drag operations. If not, then never mind. I don’t have Premiere Pro to test with.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

If you can drag with the mouse, this might work for you.

Translator 0.0 handles the incoming encoder. In this case a use an encoder that sends 63 or less turning left and 65 or more turning right.
It sets a watchdog timer (Translator 0.3) and then calls Perform ‘Mouse’ within the rules. I us ge global variable ga to determine if the mouse has been clicked down (value =1) or if the watchdog has set it back to up (value=1).
The rules for the parameters for Perform ‘Mouse’ are documents in the rules of 0.0 and below:

// Parameter 1 mouse
// 1 is click down
// 2 is move 

// If parameter 1 = 1
// Parameter 2 X-location
// Parameter 3 Y Location

// If parameter  1=2
// parameter 2 is Horizontal Movement
// parameter 3 is vertical movement

Translator 0.1 handles mouse click down
Translator 0.2 handles mouse movement
Again Translator 0.3 handles mouse click up when you stop moving the encoder. I currently have the time set for 1000ms (1 second)

The only things you might want to change are the incoming CC number and if your encoder sends something else you will need to adjust the rules.

The other thing would be the watchdog timer interval for click up.

I have one alias that you may need to set to your actual device. You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.

MFT-Relative-Encoder-to-Mouse-Drag-Perform-2024-01-02.bmtp (2.9 KB)

Since this uses the new ‘Perform’ rules, you will need Bome MIDI Translator Pro 1.9.1 (or later when the next version comes out) to use this.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

everything is almost perfect thank you!!!

I changed translator [2], rr and qq , I inverted them because it went up and down, I need right and left

I’m attaching a video to understand if you can somehow eliminate the problem you see in the video… I think a limit from -100 to +100 is needed

and if possible let it go slowly… when I turn the knob a little faster… it seems to go crazy

Thank you!!!

Since this is a simple mouse drag action, we really do not have any idea the values of the slider. It will drag it until you stop moving.

It is possible that when you turn the encoder fast, it skips some CC values which could be problematic. Also, I would suggest that if you have an acceleration setting on the encoder, that you turn it off.

In this version, I use not only horizontal movement but also only allow the mouse to move one pixel at a time.

// accelleration allowed
// tt=qq-64
// accelleration not allowed
if qq<64 then tt=-1
if qq>64 then tt=1

There is a way to slow down and use a timer or such to force the value to change more slowly but the side-affect might be that it causes a bit of lag when you move the encoder. I’m not going there now.

MFT-Relative-Encoder-to-Mouse-Drag-Perform-2024-01-03.bmtp (3.0 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

ok now it’s perfect!!! Thank you!!!

if I want to add other encoders for contrast saturation etc what should I change other than the encoder channel?

The way it is written, the encoder you have is for anywhere you manually place the mouse.

If you have fixed mouse positions, you can modify the click down for various mouse positions with each parameter (CC number). This is the issue I ran into. The mouse positions for the parameters do not looked fixed in Premiere Pro, so I would just recommend using the same encoder and manually placing your mouse.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

I use workspaces… doing so the position of the mouse is. always the same… the problem is that I made a copy of your file… so 8 lines appeared, I changed the encoder and the new mouse capture point… but both encoders move the same slider

OK, try this.

This version actually positions the mouse before clicking down so you will need to edit your positions. CC0-CC9 handle which position you land on. The rules below are in translator 0.0

// CC0
if pp!=0 then skip next 2 rules
// CC1
if pp!=1 then skip next 2 rules
// CC2
if pp!=2 then skip next 2 rules
// CC3
if pp!=3 then skip next 2 rules
// CC4
if pp!=4 then skip next 2 rules
// CC5
if pp!=5 then skip next 2 rules
// CC6
if pp!=6 then skip next 2 rules
// CC7
if pp!=7 then skip next 2 rules
// CC8
if pp!=8 then skip next 2 rules
// CC9
if pp!=9 then skip next 2 rules

Then I modified the outgoing action of translator 0.1 to include positioning when clicking down.

MFT-Relative-Encoder-to-Mouse-Drag-Perform-2024-01-03a.bmtp (3.5 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

HI. Thank you very much again, but this last file doesn’t work! it doesn’t move anything… the mouse stays still and doesn’t go anywhere.

I tried to manually put the coordinates in the rr and ss fields but nothing changes, the mouse doesn’t move

OK, I had changed the incoming CC from 15 to a range of 0-9. In this version I set the range to 15-24.

These lines in translator 0.0 can be changed to your liking. This adjusts the value down to 0-9 for the rules further down.

// Incoming CC range 15-24
if pp<15 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
if pp>24 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
// Adjust down to align with 0-9

Then the rules further down should be adjusted for the coordinates you want (after we modified the incoming value to 0-9).

// CC0
if pp!=0 then skip next 2 rules
// CC1
if pp!=1 then skip next 2 rules
// CC2
if pp!=2 then skip next 2 rules
// CC3
if pp!=3 then skip next 2 rules
// CC4
if pp!=4 then skip next 2 rules
// CC5
if pp!=5 then skip next 2 rules
// CC6
if pp!=6 then skip next 2 rules
// CC7
if pp!=7 then skip next 2 rules
// CC8
if pp!=8 then skip next 2 rules
// CC9
if pp!=9 then skip next 2 rules

MFT-Relative-Encoder-to-Mouse-Drag-Perform-2024-01-04.bmtp (3.6 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

thank you again

in this version it is already better… the bome log tells me that something is happening but I only see the mouse move with encoder zero… encoder 1 2 3 etc do nothing

I have to start from encoder 1 and subsequent…

but above all I can’t understand where I have to set the mouse position… I don’t know where the coordinates should be inserted…

In the rules, of the first translator as shown in my previous post


This sets the 9th knob to X position of 500 and y position of 550.

You do this for each knobs CC that you use. It will call the perform click down translator at the correct position. Don’t change the position anywhere else as these values are passed to the perform translator based on which knob you are turning. Don’t try to turn more than one knob at a time.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

I set in translator 0

// CC9
if pp!=9 then skip next 2 rules

but the mouse goes to 550-100
as if it were cc0

Yes, I offset the CC numbers so under CC 9 in your project file it is actually the 9th CC or should so instead of 0-9 it is 15-24 so CC23 would be the CC for the 9th position and 15 is indeed the first position.

I’ve re-labeled the rules in this version.
Instead of calling them CC0 to CC9 I’ve labeled them 1st CC to 10th CC.

I also added rules so that you can add your on range of consecutive CCs near the beginning of the rules.

// Incoming CC range 15-24

In your case to set CC 15 use 1st CC for CC16 use 2nd CC etc.

MFT-Relative-Encoder-to-Mouse-Drag-Perform-2024-01-05.bmtp (3.9 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Any progress?