I’m a fresh BomeBox user, trying to connect the A&H CQ20b. There’s a video about the connection/setup proces. I have some additional questions. These might be basic, but one has to start somewhere…
So… question 1:
Can I connect computer and CQ20b at the same time? I’d like to see if the midi connection works and for this I need a the app open and working to get visual feedback. (Is the fader going up/down? etc.) Since the CQ can only be connected through ethernet or WIFI and not both at the same time.
I don’t know how to choose a IP adress. I have copied the automatically chosen address by the CQ. Does the adres matter, or is this correct?
I’m using an ethernet dongle with my MacBook. The subnetmask is . I have manually changed is to , since that’s what the video indicates. In the CQMixPad app this translates to subnet 16 in the first case and 24 in the second. Why does this matter? I really don’t know what I’m doing here…
In the video, the ethernet is set to a different fixed adres then the mixer. It ends at .1 instead of .136 . why is this? If I do that, connection with the app is immediately lost and can’t be fixed with reverting to ethernet client mode. It has to be the exact same as the CQ20b has.
Can I use the MixPad app via the wifi connection instead of ethernet? I can select a specific IP adress to connect to. Can I use it to connect via WIFI?
Long point short; I’m a bit over my head at the moment and have not established a working midi over ethernet connection.