BMT Preventing Windows Shutdown

Sometimes (maybe 50%?) I get this on a Windows Restart:

This screen shows for maybe 1-2 minutes, and then Windows appears to shut down and restart normally without intervention (I’ve been afraid to force a restart).

BMT is configured to auto-start with Windows, but when this ‘Preventing Windows Shutdown’ happens, BMT does not auto-load on the subsequent restart - I have to start it manually.

I have not tried this with a straight Windows Shutdown - I am using Win Restart in every case.

I do have the BMT Log Window running for all this work (with the attending warning about performance).

This issue might be related to This Other Issue, but my issue does not involve (and Windows does not name) a specific Virtual Port.

Any thoughts about what to try would be appreciated …

Interesting. I get messages like this from other apps (usually audio related apps) but not from MT Pro. For me, shutting down Cantabile this way makes it complain upon restart. Also Central Control Pro complains but on system restart it comes up just fine.

Now if MT Pro is working with a DAW or something, maybe the DAW is actually preventing the restart and in communication with MT Pro prevents MT Pro from shutting down (I’m just speculating here).

I use the Windows Restart Menu. I do not use Win Restart.

Usually if start up with Window is checked the last project file that MT Pro was running is started when you start MT Pro again.

For me I use an AutoHokey Script to start up some of my applications so that they start in a particular order. I also check if certain apps are already running to prevent starting them twice.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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Do you recommend AutoHotKey in addition to BMT??

I’ve never used AHK … I was thinking that BMT could handle a string of app launches, but maybe the AHK scripting capability is useful in some some situations like app launches?

If I use AHK, do I connect it to BMT on a virtual port, or just stick with keystrokes? (My laptop is rarely touched during playing / performances - I try to do everything with physical controllers …)

They both have their uses. AutoHotkey is suited well for Windows Automation tasks. Sometimes I use it as a ‘helper’ for MT Pro for more complex tasks.

For instance, I have a script called RunOnce.ahk which checks if a given app is running and will not run it again if it is.

if 0 < 1  ; Change x to the number of required arguments
MsgBox 0,Usage,Usage is:`n Runonce process name with .exe extension and the process path
Msgbox %1%
RunWait , %A_AhkPath% "ProcessCheck.ahk" %1% ,%A_WorkingDir%,Hide UseErrorLevel
				if ErrorLevel   ; i.e. it's not blank or zero.
					 MsgBox,0,Info, The process `"%1%`" does not exist. Starting now ,2
					;MsgBox, %2%
					Run,  %1%, %2%
					MsgBox, 0,Info, The process `"%1%`" exists. Not starting,2

The ProcessCheck.ahk is a separate script to see if a given process exists. It could be incorporated into this script but I use it for other purposes as well so I keep it separate.

The other think AutoHotkey can do is block original keystrokes which Bome MIDI Translator Pro can not do.

But this is not an AutoHokey Forum.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:
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