Bug when switching apps in different desktops pressing cmd+tab in macOS

It seems that BMTP is missing the release of the command key after switching apps that are running in different desktop/spaces after using the shortcut command+tab.

You can use this small project to check this issue:

The project perform three actions:

  1. after pressing the command key, it shows the log ‘CMD PRESSED’
  2. after releasing the command key, it shows the log ‘CMD RELEASED’ and the notification ‘CMD RELEASED’
  3. after pressing the shortcut command+F12, it shows the log ‘CMD+F12 PRESSED’ and the notification ‘CMD+F12 PRESSED’

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Open any app in desktop 1 (i.e. System Settings)
  2. Open any other app in desktop 2 (i.e. TextEdit)
  3. Go to desktop 2 and activate TextEdit
  4. Use the command+tab shortcut to select the System Settings app
  5. Release the command key
  6. The System Settings app is activated and desktop 2 changes to desktop 1
  7. Now press F12 key alone. Everytime you press the F12 key alone, you will see the notification ‘CMD+F12 PRESSED’. It seems that BMTP is not aware that the command key has been released, and it reacts as the command key is still pressed.
  8. Pressing and releasing the command key stops the issue

The issue occurs with any app change. System Settings and TextEdit are just examples.

Using BMTP 1.9.1 build 1064 and macOS Sonoma 14.7.1

I would appreciate if you could fix this issue as soon as possible. Thanks a lot.

We are looking into it.


I recommend you to set ‘Notification grouping’ to ‘Off’ in System Settings > Notifications > BMTP (It’s the last setting of the list).

This setting makes the new notifications to override the previous notifications, so it’s easier to see when they change.

Hi jordikt, we cannot reproduce this. Is this also happening when you’re not switching desktops?

It’s weird you can’t reproduce it…

I confirm it only happens when switching apps that are in different desktops after pressing the cmd+tab shortcut.

Hi Florian

Any news on this issue? Was you able to reproduce it?

Hi @FlorianBome

Any news on this issue?


I’m able to duplicate it on my Mac MINI M4. I’m not sure if it has something to do with the fact that then CMD key is also a part of a combination key to switch applications. It appears that it is only recognized for release if you are in the same workspace.

Also, on my Keyboard for F12, I need to also include function no matter how I set Fn key behavior in Systems setting, so for CMD F12 I have to hit CMD fn and F12.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Thanks for your feedback, Steve.

As I said in previous posts, I confirm that this issue only happens when switching apps that are in different desktops after pressing the cmd+tab shortcut.

Regarding F12, this shortcut is working fine for me. I can set the shortcut like this and the output action is executed as expected (my system settings are configured to always use F1, F2, etc):

OK, we are planning on fixing this in the next Bome MIDI Translator Pro update.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
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Is there any forecast when the next update will be available?


I will ask Florian, but I’ve never seen him pre-announce any releases. Maybe if you want to be part of a Beta he will reach out to you.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Yes, I would accept to be part of the Beta for trying if the command issue is fixed correctly, and any other improvements/fixes.

Thanks! I’ll contact you once a beta version is ready.

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I would also like to partake in BETA testing if that is okay.

will do!