Although there are no official ‘Function Calls’ within Bome MIDI Translator Pro, you can emulate this behavior. The attached project show you how. This requires Bome MIDI Translator Pro version 1.9.1 or above to work as it uses the new ‘Perform’ capability.
Translator 1.0 is the trigger example.
Translator 1.1 is a function call dispatcher. The first incoming parameter is a ‘function number’ the remaining 9 values are function parameters.
The rules take you to different labels depending on the function that you want to perform. Calculations are done here and then a Perform ‘Return’ is called with the first parameter as the function number and the rest as optional return values.
Translator 1.2 looks at the return function number and values. You can then either store the values in global variables or call other perform actions for further processing.
With this method, you can basically build a reusable ‘function library’ using 2 translators for use throughout your project.
Enjoy playing around with it. Comments are welcome and if you can think of a better method, let us know.
Function-test.bmtp (3.7 KB)
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
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