Indeed, it seems you cannot learn MIDI Notes on Studio One. However it does learn MIDI CC.
In Bome MIDI Translator, set up so that when you press Inst on your X-touch that it sends a CC on MIDI CH 2 rather than a note on MIDI CH 1.
In this case I set up my X-touch as a Generic MIDI controller and not Mackie MCU. Of course this requires setting up other mappings such as faders which are Pitch Bend in MCU to CC for generic assignment in Studio One.
I’ve set up The solo for Inst and two faders in the attached using Generic Controller Mapping in Studio One.
In this case, I’m converting Note 45 (Inst) on MIDI CH 1 to CC45 on MIDI CH2 to Studio One and have mapped that control to Solo on MIDI CH 4. I convert back when pressing solo on Studio One, (Control1)
I’ve also mapped fader 0 and 1 to Control 1 and to respectively converting pitch bend on given MIDI CH (1-8) to CC 0-1 and MIDI Ch1 (Control 2 and Control 3)
I manually mapped them to the control I wanted and then used Transmit Value, so that the feedback from the control goes out.
Unfortunately, you will likely need to map all of your controls this way if you intend to use as a ‘Generic Controller’.
Right now I have the port aliases set up as follows. I have an X-touch Compact.
Now it might be possible to set up the first virtual port as a MCU controller and then another virtual port as a Generic Controller. With this you could just pass through all commands using the MIDI router for your X-touch as MCU and then send custom commands and mappings to your second virtual port (set up on Studio One as a generic controller).
Here is the project file I used for a generic example using one Virtual MIDI port.
Mackie-MCU-Generic-Studio-One.bmtp (2.3 KB)
Again, you will need to map the 3 controls in Studio One as I have mapped them. I’m not sure how to export the Studio One Mapping as I’m not that familiar with Studio One.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz