Condition Rekordbox PAD 1 (hotcue,PadFX1, Beatjump 1)

Hello Steve, I tried to find the solution on my own but without success

I have a mapped button that has three positions on 3 consecutive presses 1st position opens HOTCUE mode for me 2nd position opens PADFX mode for me 3rd position opens BEATJUMP mode for me

1: 0.0:8 Log Press=0 Output=23 (HOTCUE MODE)
2: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 17 7F
3: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 63 00
5: 0.0:8 Log Press=1 Output=5 (PADFX MODE)
6: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 05 7F
7: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 63 00
9: 0.0:8 Log Press=2 Output=12 (BEATJUMP MODE)
10: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 0C 7F
11: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 63 00

I would like to be able to map a button (Note ON / Channel 1 / Note 89 -F6 (0x59) Velocity: 127
To control one of the selected modes

Thanks in advance

ps: attached a copy of my project
Condition.bmtp (1.5 KB)


I guess I would need to know for all of this which should be the source for pushing buttons and which should be the destination.

It looks like you have two controllers:

  • Numark MixTrack Pro
  • Pioneer DDJ-ERGE

And then one application:

  • Rekordbox

It appears the translator 0.0 is supposed to send to RekordBox, but I’m not sure which controller is supposed to handle input from translator 0.0 and where, you want to send the message and what the outgoing message needs to be.

The tutorials on Aliases and Device Selection might help you figure out the proper routing. These subjects are the most common for people starting out and trying to figure their way around Bome MIDI Translator Pro.

You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.
For more information about device selection, see this tutorial.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:


My attached file is more complete and more understandable.
Indeed, in the rush I omitted some information.
I hope this will be clearer for you
Condition.bmtp (1.7 KB)

I still don’t understand what you are looking for.

Do you want to use a different controller or application to send these notes to your MixTrack Pro so that you can change the modes remotely? If so what controller or application is sending the notes? Are you wanting to change the mode of your MixTrack Pro from Rekordbox?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

I want to control Rekordbox from my Mixtrack Pro

Well you have three translators with the same incoming button so I changed the incoming note for each with outgoing action to match the outgoing note number you want according to your screen shot.
Condition-sjc.bmtp (2.2 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hello Steve,

This is getting closer to my request.

I only use 2 buttons
the 1st button allows me to select the desired mode (Hotcue mode or PadFX mode or BeatJump Mode)
This 1st button (translator) works (thank you)
Attached is a copy of my midi output that I will need

1: 0.0:8 Log Press=0 Output=23 ok (1st button select hotcue mode)
2: OUT 0.0 MIDI 90 17 7F ok
3: OUT 1.0 MIDI 90 00 7F ok (Pad 1- 2nd button)
4: 0.0:8 Log Press=1 Output=5 ok (1st PadFxMode select button)
5: OUT 0.0 MIDI 90 05 7F ok
6: OUT 1.0 MIDI 90 00 7F no 90 00 7F but 90 10 7F (2nd button)
7: 0.0:8 Log Press=2 Output=12 ok (1st BeatJump Mode select button)
8: OUT 0.0 MIDI 90 0C 7F ok
9: OUT 1.0 MIDI 90 00 7F no 90 00 7F but 90 02 7F (2nd button)

currently the 2nd button to activate my effects according to the chosen mode only launches pad 1 for the hotcue.
When I switch to the 2nd and 3rd translator it launches Hotcue 1 (90 00 7F)
I imagine with the little knowledge I have that we need to create rules?

I’m sorry, I’m trying to be as understandable as possible in my explanations.


OK, I think I get it now. The second button will send a different value based on the last setting of the first button. Since we track that in the global variable ‘ga’ we just use that variable to set the condition for the value that the second button sends. I hope this is what you mean.

Condition-sjc-2024-04-15.bmtp (2.0 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

I am attaching a video of my Google Drive I hope this is authorized on the forum

If hot cue mode is selected (90 17 7F — translator 1) button (90 63 00) then PAD 1 the other button must have the value (9000)
If padfx mode is selected (90 05 7F — translator 2) button (90 63 00) then PAD 1 the other button must have the value 9010 and not 9000
If Beatjump Mode selected (90 0C 7F — translator 3) button (90 63 00) then PAD 1 the other button should have the value 9040 and not 9000 or 9010

I am perserverent. LOL
We will find the solution

OK, it was just a matter of changing the values in the rules of translator 1.0.

// Look at status of First Button
// Set  different outgoing note based on status
if ga==0 then pp=0
if ga==1 then pp=0x10
if ga==2 then pp=64

if ga==0 then Log "Log Mode Hotcue Sending %pp% or 0x%02x pp%"
if ga==1 then Log "Log Mode PadFX Sending %pp% or 0x%02x pp%"
if ga==2 then Log "Log Mode BeatJumpSending %pp% or 0x%02x pp%"

Condition-sjc-2024-04-15a.bmtp (2.1 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

It does not work.
I’ll try to make a detailed sketch and if it doesn’t work, too bad I won’t take the license

Here with all my explanations I cannot be more explicit. The Pad 1 button must have 3 different values depending on the mode chosen.


I think this is what you want. There is not MIDI message 9000,9010 or 9040 so I assume they are leaving off he value and they should be 90 00 7F, 90 10 7F and 90 40 7F.

1: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In]: 90 63 7F
2: 0.0:9 Log Send Hotcue 23 0x17 ga=1
3: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 17 7F
4: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In]: 90 59 7F
5: 1.0:7 Log Mode Hotcue Sending 0 or 0x00
6: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 00 7F
7: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In]: 90 63 7F
8: 0.0:10 Log Send PadFX 5 0x05 ga=2
9: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 05 7F
10: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In]: 90 59 7F
11: 1.0:8 Log Mode PadFX Sending 16 or 0x10
12: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 10 7F
13: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In]: 90 63 7F
14: 0.0:11 Log Send BeatJump 12 0x0c ga=0
15: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 0C 7F
16: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In]: 90 59 7F
17: 1.0:9 Log Mode BeatJumpSending 64 or 0x40
18: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out]: 90 40 7F

Condition-sjc-2024-04-15b.bmtp (2.1 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Sorry for the slightly late response but everything works really well.
I’m really grateful to you. You are truly a professional and it shows.
However, I made some modifications to make it perfect.
It’s a shame that the rules are so complex to put in place.

Now I’m trying to set up a SHIFT button from your tutorial which will allow me to erase the HOTCUE.

I’m attaching my file if you have time to look
Many thanks again for your help
0 - OK for TOUT ddj ergo.bmtp (32.0 KB)

I’m not sure what you are trying to do. I think it has something to do with Preset 13 but 13.0 has the same incoming note as 9.0.

What are the desired MIDI incoming MIDI messages and outgoing MIDI messages you want to send? You are also sending CC tt depending on the value of pp which is a local variable and undefined. You may want to read the manual (F1 within MT Pro) to get an understanding of local and global variables.

Much of the power of Bome MIDI Translator Pro has to do with the use of rules, so it is really important you understand them and how they work.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

It was just a test.

I will come back to you if necessary. For my part, I try to understand all the power of the rules
On Youtube I put the subtitles but it’s not easy to read and watch at the same time.


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Hi Steve,
Can you please look at PRESET 12 TRANSLATOR 4, I’m stuck on how this LED works.
I have a fader that allows me to change the BPM.
I would like to turn on the LED when this FADER IS IN THE MIDDLE. As soon as I go up and down the BPM (fader) this LED must go out and it will come back on when I come back to the middle

010 last fonctionelleTOUT (save avant modif ga gb).bmtp (37.0 KB)


The first thing is you had the incoming trigger wrong. You had it set like this.


I changed it to this.


I changed the rules from.

if qq<=61 then qm=0
if qq>=65 then qm=0

if qm==63 then Log "qm=63 LED On middle of fader"
if qm<61 then Log "qm<61 LED OFF"

To this

if qq<=61 then qm=0
if qq>=65 then qm=0

if qm==63 then Log "qm=63 LED On middle of fader"
if qm<61 then Log "qm<61 LED OFF"

A couple of things to consider.

  1. If you don’t need to share a variable with other translators, then use local variables so that they don’t interfere with other translators later.

  2. Watch out between the letter ‘q’ and the letter ‘g’ also the number ‘0’ and the letter ‘O’. And the number 1 and the letter ‘l’.

  3. By setting the default of qm to 63 I allow the note off for incoming values from 62-66. Sometimes faders skip values when you turn them fast.

010 last fonctionelleTOUT (save avant modif ga gb)-sjc.bmtp (37.5 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:
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The LED works perfectly. On the other hand, at the output the midi message is no longer the correct one At the output it is the message from the LED (90 70 00) whereas I absolutely need at the output the midi message from my fader (B00D)

Rekordbox waits for message B00D (double zero)

If you don’t need to share a variable with other translators, use local variables so that they don’t interfere with other translators later.
If I understand correctly I should not use the same local variable twice for 2 or 3 different translators?