The translators in presets 1 and 2 just manipulate certain bits of the global variable g0 which being global is visible to all translators. They do not send any MIDI values
Presets 3 and 4 have a single translator each with an outgoing action of perform ‘ClearAllFX’. Preset 3 takes its incoming trigger from the K2 and preset 4 takes its incoming trigger from the Push. There are rules in there to call Perform ‘AbletonClearFX’ and Perform ‘TraktorClearFX’ which are translators 5.1 and 5.2. Each of those translators send the note-on message to Ableton Live and Traktor respectively by defining the target location of the proper DAW in each translator’s outgoing action.
The key to Perform within rule can be found in this tutorial.
Device Selection for incoming triggers and outgoing actions can be found in this tutorial.
As far as bit manipulation, you can look at this posting.
The Bome MIDI Translator Pro documentation discusses the fundamentals but indeed does not provide programming examples. This is where I (and other users) contribute to the forum and posted the example that I provided you.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz