To make a call on whether your translators are correct, I’d have to see the excerpts from your project file that deal with the setting and resetting of these bits.
The outgoing action if a key stroke should determine if the key repeats or not.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services:
Cheers Steve
Correct, I just use it for simple logging; easier that log and easier to read back later
All of the code is working correctly…thats not my issue; I learnt bit masing in MTP about 15 year ago lol prob still around the old forum somewhere…and have been using bit masks since about 93 in computer science
My question simply…Why is there a key repeat happening when both keys are held and not singularly…?
Also are you on Mac or PC? Mac and PC keys have different quirks on their behavior. My objective would be to look at your project and try to duplicate it. An excerpt of the project with just the failing functions would help me focus on the problem instead of trying to decipher the entire project.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services:
You can’t just remove all translators but the ones that are broken and send as a new .bmtp file? To test this I would need to create a new .bmtp file from text that you sent.
Ah, this appears to be a WIndows issue. If you hold down control and repeat together, Windows determines that the keystroke should be repeated. I can test this by changing the keyboard properties however it appears there is no way to completely stop from repeating with this combination.
Here is my default rate of my keyboard and it repeats fast.
However if I change it to this, it repeats slowly.
So essentially this confirm that the behavior is within Windows and not Bome MIDI Translator.
I suspect that we will have to figure a different way to handle control and shift operations together or use a different set of keys to make it work. I searched on the web and could not find a way for Windows 10 to stop repeating keys entirely. Maybe you will have better luck. Otherwise, maybe in Bome MIDI Translator we will need to ignore repeated shifts if control is held down and visa versa.
Ideally I would like to figure out how to fix this in Windows though.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services:
Thanks Steve
I had a quick look
Thats why I was simply using flags but you are def correct, the OS should deal with it as its ok with just a single qualifier