Davinci Resolve with Arturia Beatstep

@Steve … of course this could be come a problem, but I still use it for the special function. So if I don’t mess with this, this should be a legal an elegant option in my opinion.

OK, just be careful and never Loop the same LoopMIDI out port back to LoopMIDI in, or if you do, be sure to block the loop after it comes back in.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Hello @Stefbert,

thank you for sharing your davinci preset. Could you explain more in detail how i could set the active LEDs on the beatstep. When I run the init sequence, nothing happens. I’m on a mac…

I figured it out by myself with the raw midi messages, but i’m struggling to use red and magenta colors. they only flash up and don’t stay on…

Help would be appreciated…

Hallo Andrej,

it’s a couple of month ago that I have worked on that project.If I remember there where two bits used to select the color. The Pads include one blue (bit 4 [0x10]) and one red led[bit 0 [0x01].

Here is a MIDI-raw-Sequenuce for pad 1
qq = 112
pp = 0x00 … off
pp = 0x01 … red
pp = 0x10 … blue
pp = 0x11 … magenta

F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 02 00 10 pp qq F7

Maybe the assignment of the bit-pattern and the color are in the wrong order, but I think that you can imagine the way hiw it works.

I hope that this will help you

Thank you Stef!

my problem is when I press the same key, that I want to use the LED for (example incoming MIDI for note 20, 1pad), then I can only use the blue color. when i set pp to red or magenta, the button just flashes. if i set the incoming note to another pad, it works and pad1 stays red…

Hello Andrej,

I think I undersand your problem … but … I have no solution for this. The only idear I’ve gor ist to use the Note-Off event to set the color you want to have to. For this you have to store the LED state that you want to show … I use a varaible for this, where 2 bits represent one of each LED-States …

Maybe you know this link, it was very helpfull for me:

Sorry that I hav’nt any solution for you

I just saw the above post. Interesting. Right now I have not been able to get any LED behavior but I’m sure I need to reassign some controls on my beatstep. The publisher did mention that he could only get one color to work, however.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

A post was split to a new topic: Controlling Davinci Resolve with AkaiPro MPD218