How to control soft synth using different cc values

I’m new to MIDI translator pro I just bought a launch control xl and want to use it as midi translator to control my soft synths in DAW.

How I’m going to use one button as trigger which will change the alignment of other midi CC value and through that I can control up to 127 cc by just click a particular side buttons and it do work for me to change cc value.

I customize the template in component for e.g CC 1 button is map to wave option and then assign same but but for different value like 57 or so to different parameter how to do that by changing the cc value though MIDI translator.

Please help Thankyou

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

I’m not sure what you are asking here. We can certainly have a button either send a CC with the desired value. We can also use a button to change which CC number a given knob or fader sends. However since the knobs and fader values cannot be controlled remotely, there values will not change so as you move the control, it will always send the current value.

In a nutshell, we can change the CC # but the value is 100% controlled by the knob or fader itself.

If you want to remotely change the values, you would need a controller with encoders that values can be set remotely or faders that are motorized so that you can control the values remotely.

I hope this is answering the question you have. If not please explain further.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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Hi Steve,
Just trying bunch of different things with BOME Translator Pro and I saw one tutorial regarding you can switch the preset using toggle button. I totally understand how to toggle the preset but I don’t understand how to add preset and cc values in preset itself.
Help me to understand what exactly shift layer doses and how to add preset in it.

You add a preset by clicking ‘Add Preset’ and then type in the new preset name.



Then you add any translators you want for that preset by clicking ‘Add Translator’ and giving it a name.


Then you define the desired, input condition (trigger), rules (for message manipulation) and output you want.

I hope this helps!

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi steve,
I have tried shift layer function in translator pro. I tried as Switcher shift up down function.
Toggling between shift up and down not working when ai press down the buttons it switch back again once I release the button.
It is not toggling the preset while pressing the button.
It’s work only when I hold the button but not work same as I release button on control xl.

Well, I’m still not 100 percent sure what you want but I created a project base on the assumption that you want shift-toggle. The first time you press shift on keyboard it will turn on preset 1 and you press it again it turns it off and so forth.

The rules of translator 0.3 triggers when you press shift key on your computer keyboard. Alternately you can use the ‘Device Button’ from your Launch Control XL which uses translator 0.4 (which must be set to factor mode template 1).

The rules of those two translators toggle ga with the rule


The output is Perform Shift (for translators 0.5 and 0.6).

Translator 0.5 has rules to only execute if ga=1 and translator 0.6 only executes if ga=0.

Translator 0.5 deactivates preset 1 (Shift) and translator 0.6 activates preset 1.

Preset 1 has 2 translators.

1.0 sends note-on to your LC-XL when the preset is activated. This turns on the Device LED
1.1 sends note-off to you LC-XL (Device LED when the preset is deactivated. This turns off the Device LED

I also put a MIDI thru path in the project so that if the shift layer is not activate, the incoming MIDI message from your LC-XL go through to the application untouched.

When Preset 1 is activated, translator 1.2 kicks in which has swallow option set so the original message will not go through. Translator 1.2 has rules to switch MIDI channels.

// get midi channel from oo
// get message type
// or with desired outgoing MIDI CH 0-15
// we use channel 4 for our example here
// midi channels are zero based (ie ch1 =0 )
// or with desired midi channel for output

I have aliases set up on my system as follows:


You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.

I also use device select to determine my input and output ports.

For more information about device selection, see this tutorial.

I hope this is enough to get you started.

Shift-Toggle - Preset.bmtp (3.2 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi Steve
I have add two preset as shift layer and main layer and want to toggle between the each preset but it could work though when I deactivate translator 0/1 or 2/3 it kind of work but not in vice versa.
Please help me.

Earlier response work for one preset but I want like this way if I press shift on controller it will turn on preset 1 but hand in hand it will also turn of preset 2 as well and vice verse.

Switch - Control XL.bmtp (1.4 KB)

Are you using a button for CC51 MIDI Channel 16?

You want it to turn on Main and off Shift when you press it once and then turn off Main and on Shift when you press it again?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Yes, want it to turn on Main and off Shift when you press it once and then turn off Main and on Shift when you press it again.

Please help me.

Well here is one way to do it. I disabled but did not delete your other translators in preset 0.

Translator 0.4 takes the input of the button and if its value is 0x7F it toggles the value of ga between 0 and 1. Its output drives translator 0.5.

Translator 0.5 has two rules that looks at the incoming value passed to it and the does to ‘Perform’ actions. One for ‘Main’ (translators 0.6 and 0.7, and the other for ‘Shift’ (translators 0.8 an 0.9)

The rules of those translator look at the incoming value and only trigger if the value is the right state so either 0.6 will turn the preset Main on or do nothing and Translator 0.7 will either turn the Main preset off or do nothing. They are mutually exclusive based on the value passed.

Translators 0.8 and 0.9 follow the same strategy.

There are other ways to do this as well but I like using the new ‘Perform’ action of Bome MIDI Translator 1.9.1.
Switch - Control XL-sjc.bmtp (3.2 KB)

Another way would be have a translator in Main that activates Shift with an incoming trigger on activation of this preset and deactivates shift on trigger on deactivation of this preset. I would use less translators and would work on earlier versions of Bome MIDI Translator Pro .

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi Steve

Thanks for giving meresponse it help me lot to my project.

The last thing I want to know that when I connect LC-XL at default setting knob 1 with cc#1 work in that way which assign to one parameter from soft synth as my main preset(default novation component setting).
The same knob with cc#1 mapped to another parameter with output of cc#57 in soft synth which is being added in shift preset.

So by activating shift preset it give me input of cc#1 value - qq and Output cc#57 value -qq or deactivating shift it should give me input of cc#1 value qq and output of cc#1 value qq and it work in pro translator.
But when it comes to DAW integration while on default setting (main preset active) it giving me In cc#1 and out cc#1 but after activating shift preset layer it turn out it giving me both output of cc#1 and cc#57 which I link with two different parameter.

I want to work in this way if I on shift layer it has to be the cc# value which I translate respectively.

Please help me.


Look at translator 1.0 for this. I used MIDI Channel 16 but you may need to change that as yo didn’t specify the MIDI channel. Since your switcher apparently used Factory 8 template, I assumed that is what you are using.

Switch - Control XL-sjc-2024-09-23.bmtp (3.5 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi Steve,
I used MIDI channel 16 only and shit layer work when I check in with log window. But I’m confused, in shift preset where translator 1 with CC #1 gives output of CC#57 and in main preset (I used default template factory preset 1) with translator CC#1 gives output CC#1. Shift layer work alright in MT pro but the main concern to me is that when I trying to map certain parameter let say frequency in DAW VST the CC#pp values should have been different, like if I use my main preset through MT pro frequency should map with CC#1 and then after turning off main preset and turning on shift layer let say resonance should have map to CC#57 but it not work in that way it is giving me same CC#! value through it.

When I use novation component and override preset with CC#1 and CC#57 to same knob then MT pro work for shift layer but it always givng out but of CC#1 as factory preset 1.
Though I use factory default 1 preset as my main layer then by changing CC values in component should work hand in hand with shift preset in MT pro.
How it will give direct output as CC#1 or CC#57 just by switching preset.
Please help.[
LED-Feedback-LC.bmtp (1.2 KB)

You will need to change the incoming and outgoing CC’s and MIDI channels to those that you want to use with your LC-XL.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

I don’t know how it works, I tried bunch of things with it but the default factory preset of LC-XL component is runing underneath. Though I tried to change icoming and outgoing channel for CC and MIDI.

How to turn off factory template 1 as of main preset and then switch it to shift preset as of my 2 preset where same knobs are working as of pp+56.

How to do this please help me I’m stuck.

Please help me with an example.

How component LC-xl work with MT pro so that I can switch back and forth between different cc value just by one switching preset layer.

You have to shut down component when using the controller with Bome MIDI Translator Pro as on Windows, more than one MIDI device cannot be accessed at a given time.

Tell me which factory template you will be using, which button you will be pressing to switch presets, and which button you want to use to send CC 1 or 57 depending on the state of the preset.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

I have a feeling this is what you really want.

This project puts your LC-XL into factory 1 at project start.
The Device Button will alternate presets between Main and Switch
The top left button on the faders is your incoming CC.
When you press it and you are in Main mode, it will send CC1 on MIDI CH 1.
When you press it and you are in Shift mode, it will send CC 57 on MIDI CH 1.

You still need to have components shut down when you use this project. There is no programming needed on the LC-XL since it is using a factory setting which cannot be changed.

Switch - Control XL-sjc-2024-09-23a.bmtp (4.7 KB)

Aliases are as follows but if you are sending to a different port you should be able to assign in the MIDI menu:

Switch - Control XL-sjc-2024-09-23a.bmtp (4.7 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi steve
Thanks for help it really help me for my project .
One last thing I stuck on with as inside MT pro every In out work very well with midi in out and LED feedback but when I open my Daw Ableton and try to map with Soft synth Diva, I map knob CC#1 CH 1 from my main preset to FM knob from synth then after switching the preset as shift layer the same knob which giving output of CC#57 CH 1 in MT pro, should map with CC#57 to Tune mod depth while mapping in Ableton it is not working.

I have translate e MIDI and they work well in MT pro but it not working with Ableton.

I don’t know what wrong, is with preference tab in Ableton or Alias in MT pro I don’t know what is wrong.

Please help me.

Well, having the same controller send to 2 different ports is going to be problematic. If you are going to both use a MIDI Remote Script, I would have the controller go through BMT1, and then have it go to BMT2 that is not controlled by the script.

Then in Bome MIDI Translator Pro use Factory template 1 for anything that uses the Control script and Factor template 2 for anything that you want to use MIDI learn.

Since the buttons on the script template are already used, I would rather switch templates by pressing and hold ‘Factory’ while pressing the template number on the bottom. You would press the first button for script controlled functions and I would assign Factory 2 (the second one) for MIDI learn. Then for Bome MIDI Translator, you put a MIDI thru route to and from your controller to Ableton Live (BMT 1).


When you switch to Factory template 2, you have translators to disable the MIDI through route for BMT1 and let translators handle output to BMT2 (MIDI Learn with no script).

Your switching trigger would be the MIDI message that the Controller sends when you change templates.

This is what is sent by your controller when switching to factory template 1.

F0 00 20 29 02 11 77 08 F7

and factory template 2

F0 00 20 29 02 11 77 09 F7

Setting this up for you is beyond the scope of free support so for me to create this solution, it would require a paid private consulting engagement.

The attached just include the renaming of aliases and setting up a MIDI thru path. It is not a complete solution and I’m not sure if using factory templates is what you had in mind. If not, you would need a free button (not used with the script) to switch functions so you might give up some default functionality of the controller.
Switch - Control XL-sjc-2024-09-24.bmtp (5.0 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

You may try this.

On project open and response from query of the LC-XL, preset ‘Script’ will be selected and ‘Custom’ unselected and routes will be in place for Ableton-Script to Ableton.

By switching to Factory 2 template , ‘Custom’ will be enable and ‘Script’ disabled. Routes will be enabled for ‘Ableton-Learn’ and routes to ‘Ableton-Script’ will be disabled.
Right now there are no translators in either preset but if you add them and use the option swallow then the translators will override the thru routes.

Switching Back to Factory 1 template again, and it will use the Script path again.

Ableton Live must use BMT used for the script path only above and never the LC-XL directly. For MIDI learn, the Virtual MIDI port used should match your alias in the Project file.

Here is how I have Ableton Live setup.

And my aliases in the project file.


If for some reason you don’t get response from a given virtual port, disable it and re-enable it in Ableton Live.

Switch-by-Template-XL-a.bmtp (5.0 KB)

Edit: You may also note there is a different method of controlling presets. When one preset is activated, there are several translators that can be written to turn off other presets. The same technique is used for enabling/disabling MIDI thru routes.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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