How to control soft synth using different cc values

Hi steve,

Thanks for every replies, it help me a lot.

Only thing left which can complete my project is factory template change.

I feel over the head I understand about factory template which Raw MIDI system exclusively message should use, when it comes to routing I could get there.

The project you share I had experiment with it as I can but the last thing which holding me complete my project is switching factory template and after changing factory template, the out of MT pro should act as In for Ableton live.

I’m planning to switch factory template by shift layer which we created earlier. Main layer act as scripted layer and shift as a custom layer.

Please help me.

So you want to use Factory 1 template for MIDI Remote Script and one of your custom templates (programmable by components) for you custom template?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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So you want to use Factory 1 template for MIDI Remote Script and one of your custom templates (programmable by components) for you custom template? - Yes

I want you factory template 1 (default template 1 from component) on my script/shift preset and factory template 2 which is on custome/main preset.

That is the way it is set up now. Although anything from Component Custom template would be a user template. Is that what you are looking for?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Anything from Component Custom template would be a user template. Is that what you are looking for?

  • Yes
    I want to use only user template and I want to change user template using MT pro.
    I have referred programmer reference guide of LC-XL, where I found to you can change user template using system exclusive message of hex code.

The main preset will act as default user 1 template of component and the switch layer earlier create will act as switch template after pressing shift it should be switch to user template to and so.

Template switch LC-xl .bmtp (4.5 KB)

Well when Ableton Live start, in order for it to recognize the controller, you will need to have the Factory 1 template as the default. I renamed the preset that way and rename the other one User 1 Template.

Both Presets and MIDI through routing changes depending on which template you are on.

I changed the incoming message to what the LCXL sends when you change to the user 1 template and then reflected the preset changes with their new names.

In order for Ableton Live to not try and take over the Launch Control port directly. You need to set the control surface for that port to none.


Switch-by-Template-XL-b.bmtp (5.3 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi Steve
I got it thanks for the help.

Sorry for asking help repeatedly.

Want to ask one more thing can I change the template by pressing down the button for certain time lie 1/2 sec, since there is hardware issue with one of my side button in LC-XL, the button which I want to use which is giving In and Out of preceding and succeeding note value so want to make it unique as that particular preset will active only when I press it down for certain time and should not active preceding or succeeding event.

What button do you want to use and what MIDI message does it send on press and then on release? I’m not aware of any ‘side buttons’ on the LC-XL.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Right arrow button of device control on LC-XL

OK, here we use a oneshot timer to determine if it is along press (gc=1) or short press (gc=0). The duration of the time is 500ms so if you push the button longer that 1/2 second it will do a layer switch, otherwise the button will perform it’s native function.

Translator 0.12 looks at the button on user layer 1 (ga=0) or factory layer 1 (ga-8) only, sets the timer busy flag (gc=1) and then starts the timer.
Translator 0.13 will set set gc back to 0 when the button is released.
The timer looks at the value of gc to determine what to do.
If gc=1 (long press) it will trigger translator 0.15 via Perform template to send messages to the controller to switch layers. Othewise it triggers Perform Native in the current active preset which send the buttons native on and off value for that layer to the correct MIDI Port. (translators 1.5 or 2.5).

So essentially a short press (<500ms) will send the native button’s function (both press and release) and a long press (>-500ms) will switch layers.

Switch-by-Template-XL-c.bmtp (7.4 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

A post was split to a new topic: LED Feedback for Launch Control XL

A post was split to a new topic: Using a single button to switch presets with Launch Control XL