What you are describing is the VPOT rings and MIDIMix doesn’t have LED ring feedback.
For sending, a Mackie MCU VPOT sends B0 1x yz
Where x is the VPOT Number 0-7
y is 0 for clockwise movement and 4 for counter clockwise
z is the movement amount.
So in essence, the output is relative and not absolute.
Since the MIDIMix sends absolute only, you need to track the last known position in a global variable (1 for each VPOT) and compare with the last known position to determine the output value. It is best to center your knobs when starting the project.
With that said I added a suppress function in the attached project. Pressing Bank Right will suppress the outgoing messages (setting ga as suppression flag to 1)
Releasing Bank Right will stop suppression.
I also added some multipliers near there right and left ends if needed if you MIDIMix doesn’t provide full range of V-POT motion (since the pots are not endless).
MIDIMIX-VPOT1-2021-04-24.bmtp (2.0 KB)
The rules are commented
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz