MIDI translator and Resolve DaVinci

Hi, I’m a MIDI translator new purchaser of this amazing software. :heart_eyes:
It’s very deep and so time consuming about the learning curve: I’d like to use it with DaVinci Resolve, and I’m approaching to the programming watching/studying the tutorials and what’s written in the forum etc mixing great discoveries and bigger mistake…
In the end what I’d need is to emulate dragging clicking mouse over the color page on 5 or 6 buttons (contrast, saturation, etc: attaching the screenshot), emulating the mouse positioning there and dragging it on the left or right.!
I was working with a novation slmkii but too many problems, so now I’m working with a BCF2000, and I’d like to use its knobs for saturate-desaturate, contrast etc, and the faders. I think, if I’m ricght, the goal would be create an outgoing as mouse and stuff like that, but I can’t figure out the right thing to do… Could U help me a little bit? The right path is so hard to find…

kind regards

Schermata 2021-01-14 alle 17.30.42|690x48

Hi and Welcome to the forum!

I’m sure this project file is posted somewhere. It is similar to what you want, however using a MIDI fighter twister as the controller. The MIDI fighter twister is set to relative mode where <64 is left movement and >64 is right movement. If the BCF2000 uses a different kind of relative mode. The rules of translators 1.3 and 2.3 will need to change to reflect the values sent by your encoders.

MFT-Resolve-2020-12-04.bmtp (5.6 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Hi Steve, thanx for your prompt reply!!
I’m working on the file U sent me, and I did a sample of an encoder (as like as twister controller) thanx to a midi ios program. I’d like to duplicate this encoder several times for my color correction needs. Unfortunately the cursor goes left and right on the bottom of davinci screen but it doesn’t drag anything to control the value I need; and I can’t set the xy point to the button to dragging anything (like the number values of the desaturation button). Any suggestions? Thanx again for your help.

Are you trying to drag sliders or update numbers in the various boxes. The file I posted is more for dragging sliders but if you want to update numbers in the text boxes, that is a bit of a different story.

Your translators would

  1. Go to the X/Y coordinate of the current value
  2. Click Inside the text box
  3. Select All (Control A or Command A)
  4. Enter the desired number followed by enter.

This can all be done with a sequence of events with timers between them.
Entering the desired number values would be the tricky part as you would probably use the encoder
to set a desired value in a global variable and then a series of keystrokes 0-9 followed by enter to put into the box. Doing this with sliders is much easier but it can be done either way.

The attached example shows how to convert a CC value to a series of keyboard events. This example does not include moving the mouse pointer. To test it, you can open up text editor and then turn the knob. In this example I’m using an Absolute encoder so the value will be between 0 and 127.

The example is only for CC1 and CC2 and the output will go to whatever the focused window is.

KnobToKeystrokeNumber-2020-08-22.bmtp (9.9 KB)

This example might be closer to what you want if you want to enter numbers into a text box
CC-Mouse-to-text-box-and-enter-number.bmtp (3.8 KB)

If you want to instead move a slider, there should be several examples here on the forum but it might take a while to find the one you want.

Here is another mouse drag example.
mouse to knob drag-2020-12-24.bmtp (3.1 KB)

Again, all of these are posted (and more) so it might take a bit of searching to find the one that gives you the best.

The things on this forum are mostly starting points and examples.

Oh and if you want different knobs to control different things, then you should assign a different global variable for each knob to track position or value of the knobs.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Thanx a lot Steve, very kind. I’ve tries all the projects but no one is good for me and doesn’t work properly beside the concept of the first one U sent me, that one for twister.
I’m sorry I said that badly in my previous mail. I’ve not to insert number (not manually) but I need only to positioning the cursor where my buttons are (saturation, contrast, etc) and from here to drag the cursor to the left or to the right keeping the click down, changing in this way the values.
So I’d need:

  1. to address the exact position of the cursor where my button is
  2. from that point drag to the left and to the right the cursor pressing down the click to change the values
  3. multiply the presets for all the buttons I need.
  4. adding some keystrokes available (no problem here :))
    This kind of setting would be perfect for me to enhance and accelerate this editing work I’m into.
    I’m attaching a still to let U see wich kind of button is that one I need hardly to set…!
    p.s. I’m so sorry I can’t understand well the programming skills, I’m realizing it’s not for anyone.
    But I can’t give up!!

Schermata 2021-01-14 alle 21.27.28|214x96

I’m looking now at this settings. The cursor starts at the button I need but when I move right and left all this stuff is flickering so much. But I think that this is the road (I hope!!!..) and the values are moving :grin:

[x] Translator 0.0: Move Encoder Set Watchdog
Options: swallow
Incoming: Control Change on ch. 1 with CC#:1 (0x01) and any value
// Debug set to zero to make it actually do something
// 1 is for logging only which an advanced feature
// coming on MT Pro 1.8.5
// debug

if zz==1 then Label “__log>Log Set Watchdog ga=%ga%”
//if zz==1 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
Outgoing: One-shot timer “Watchdog”: 500 ms delay

[x] Translator 0.1: Move Encoder
Options: swallow
Incoming: Control Change on ch. 1 with CC#:1 (0x01) and any value set ‘gb’ to value

// encoder move start
// Click on first move only ga>0 then don’t
// do anything. Watchdog timer will set back
// to zero when done
if ga==1 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action

// Debug

if zz==1 then Label “__log>Log Start”
//if zz==1 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
Outgoing: One-shot timer “Encoder 1 Move”: 0 ms delay

[x] Translator 0.2: Click Mouse at current position
Incoming: On timer “Encoder 1 Move”
if ga!=1 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action

// Debug

if zz==1 then Label “__log>Log Click Down ga=%ga%”
if zz==1 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
Outgoing: Left mouse button down at 700,958 on primary display

[x] Translator 0.3: Drag Mouse
Incoming: On timer “Encoder 1 Move”
if zz==1 then Label “__log>Log Move ga=%ga%”

if ga!=2 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
if gb<64 then pp=1
if gb>=64 then pp=-1

// Debug

if zz==1 then Label “__log>Log Drag Mouse ga=%ga% pp=%pp%”
if zz==1 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
Outgoing: Mouse move pp horizontal

[x] Translator 0.4: Watchdog - Mouse Up
Incoming: On timer “Watchdog”

// Debug

if zz==1 then Label “__log>Log Watchdog Done- Click Up”
if zz==1 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
Outgoing: Left mouse button up

Yes, as I said, this is for encoder values of 0x40 and 0x3F for right and left movement respectively. It is possible that your device sends 0x7f for left and 0x01 for right.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Maybe if you turn on logging and check the MIDI IN box to capture what your controller is sending, I can help you figure it out. Also which file name you are working with since I sent you so many.

Also, maybe if you explain whether you want to change a slider to change setting or if instead you are trying to update the value typed in a text box.

Hi Steve, You’re very kind!
I need to change sliders.
The projects I’m trying to set up are 2 (I’m attaching here):

  1. the first one U sent me (MFT RESOLVE (In wich I can move the cursor with a circolar button left and right in the middle of the davinci screen (without dragging anything)
    I’m commanding the cursor via TouchOSC (in wich I can set any parameters of the midi channels I choose): the log of the channel I’m setting is: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 00 (control change on ch. 1 with CC#:1 (0x01) and value:0 (1-127) )

  2. the second one is called PROVA DRAGGING

Thanx to it I can drag where the saturation box is, but it’s flickering so much and it’s almost impossible get the values I’d need.

About log, same channel above: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 00 (from 0o to 7F)

I could control all the DAVINCI buttons via slider or button, setting via touchOSC if they are relative or absolute (if I find out how :slight_smile: ) in the MFT-resolve project I find it does better movement with the circular infinite button, whilst is better a slider (also if soooo flickering) for the DRAG project.

If I find out the trick thanx to U I’m going to duplicate the channel and changing the position of the cursor.

prova dragging.bmtp (3.2 KB)
MFT-Resolve-2020-12-04.bmtp (6.0 KB)

I’m attaching a screenshot too where the sliders we’re talking about are highlighted.

Waiting for Your kind reply

and thanx again dear Steve

Please set your encoder, to relative, not absolute. Then show me the incoming MIDI log as you move the encoder. I’m afraid that if you leave it absolute (0-127) it will give you problems because you will never be able to move the slider further right (if 127) or further left (if 0).

For relative, the MFT sends 0x41 for right and 0x3F for left. I just need to know what values your encoders send for right and left in relative mode.

At least now I know you are trying to use and drag sliders and not trying to text in values.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

thanx again Steve :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:,
the LOG of the values of the encoder (relative) is the following (LOG for the ONLY MIDI IN MIDI OUT; I’m attaching a PDF with Incoming, Rules and Outgoing checked)

zip with the pdf: 1: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 00.zip (189.0 KB) :

project: prova dragging.bmtp (3.2 KB)

the LOG is the following:

1: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 00
2: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 00
3: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 01
4: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 02
5: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 03
6: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 04
7: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 05
8: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 06
9: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 08
10: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 09
11: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 0A
12: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 0B
13: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 0C
14: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 0B
15: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 0D
16: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 0E
17: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 0F
18: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 0E
19: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 10
20: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 11
21: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 11
22: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 12
23: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 12
24: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 13
25: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 13
26: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 14
27: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 14
28: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 15
29: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 16
30: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 16
31: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 17
32: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 17
33: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 17
34: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 18
35: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 18
36: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 19
37: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 1A
38: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 19
39: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 1A
40: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 1A
41: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 1A
42: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 1B
43: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 1B
44: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 1C
45: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 1C
46: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 1C
47: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 1D
48: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 1D
49: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 1E
50: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 1E
51: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 1F
52: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 1F
53: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 20
54: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 21
55: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 21
56: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 22
57: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 22
58: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 23
59: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 23
60: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 24
61: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 24
62: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 25
63: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 25
64: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 26
65: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 26
66: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 27
67: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 27
68: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 28
69: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 29
70: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 2A
71: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 28
72: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 29
73: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 2A
74: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 2A
75: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 2B
76: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 2C
77: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 2D
78: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 29
79: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 2E
80: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 2F
81: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 2F
82: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 30
83: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 30
84: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 31
85: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 31
86: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 32
87: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 33
88: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 32
89: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 34
90: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 35
91: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 35
92: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 36
93: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 36
94: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 37
95: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 38
96: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 38
97: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 39
98: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 39
99: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 3A
100: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 3A
101: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 3B
102: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 3B
103: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 3C
104: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 3D
105: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 3C
106: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 3E
107: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 3F
108: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 40
109: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 42
110: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 43
111: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 44
112: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 41
113: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 44
114: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 42
115: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 43
116: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 43
117: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 44
118: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 44
119: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 45
120: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 45
121: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 47
122: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 46
123: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 48
124: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 47
125: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 49
126: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 48
127: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 4A
128: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 4A
129: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 4B
130: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 4C
131: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 4D
132: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 4E
133: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 4E
134: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 4F
135: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 51
136: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 50
137: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 53
138: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 54
139: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 51
140: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 55
141: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 57
142: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 53
143: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 54
144: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 56
145: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 59
146: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 5A
147: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 57
148: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 5C
149: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 5D
150: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 5E
151: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 5F
152: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 60
153: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 61
154: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 62
155: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 63
156: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 63
157: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 65
158: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 64
159: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 66
160: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 68
161: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 65
162: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 6A
163: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 6B
164: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 6B
165: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 6D
166: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 6F
167: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 6D
168: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 71
169: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 72
170: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 73
171: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 74
172: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 75
173: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 76
174: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 77
175: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 79
176: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 79
177: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7B
178: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7B
179: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7D
180: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
181: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7D
182: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
183: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
184: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
185: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
186: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
187: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
188: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
189: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
190: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
191: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
192: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
193: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
194: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
195: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
196: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
197: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
198: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
199: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
200: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
201: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
202: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
203: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
204: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
205: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
206: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
207: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
208: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F
209: MIDI IN [Rete Sessione 1]: B0 01 7F

OK, your incoming encoder does not seem to be sending relative values. Cab you reprogram the BCF2000 to relative? If not, I can still work with this but it requires a bit more programming to convert absolute to relative so it is really easier if you can set them to relative with the BCF Editor.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Hi dear Steve, I reprogrammed one encoder of the bcf2000 to rel3, but I don’t know if it does work.
from left to right LOG gives me this (from value:1 (0x01) to 65 (0x41)

1: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 01
2: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 01
3: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 01
4: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 01
5: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 01
6: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 01
7: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
8: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
9: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
10: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
11: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
12: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
13: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
14: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
15: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
16: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
17: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
18: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
19: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
20: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
21: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
22: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
23: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
24: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 41
25: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 01
26: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 01
27: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 01
28: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 01
29: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 01
30: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 01
31: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 01
32: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 01
33: MIDI IN [BCF2000]: B0 00 01

If I’m wrong with this settings I’ll try with the novation sl mkii


This should work for your settings. However you will need to set up the initial mouse click location in the output of translator 0.0.

mouse-click-and-drag-relative-0-0x40-2021-01-15.bmtp (3.6 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Hi Steve, thanx for Your help, I really appreciate!
This preset U sent me does work! :heart:
I had some problems at the beginning 'cause the right movement didn’t work, but I’ve setted the encoder to REL3 and now everything works in both directions!!
Only one last thing, if I can: is it possible that the visible cursor at the end of the dragging could stand where’s the slider I’m working on (also if I’ve already finished the work on it)? (it’s a little disturbing to see it visible at the very left-end of the screen when I’ve finished the adjustaments between the left and the right movements) .

Tank U so much Steve!!! :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

My mistake: when I set all the encoders via REL3 no problem at all!
Many thanx dear Steve!!!

The cursor pointer should follow the slider while dragging.


Glad to see this is working for you. Please mark this thread as resolved so others can find it later.

In summary, it takes a REL3 type encoder from Behringer BCF2000 and converts it to mouse down, drag and release movements to the desired position on the screen. It should work for Davinci Resolve or any other application that allows for screen positioning and mouse click and drag movements.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
1 Like

Hello dear Steve,
I’m using a beatstep now (no more BCF2000, it had some minor issues to the knobs).
I thought I could only change the midi channels to the beatstep using the same project, setting the encoders as relative3 but it’s not so easy because of 2 problems I hope U can solve :pray:t2:

  1. the knob/encoder (setted in the exact position of the mouse cursor) turns always on the right, also if I turn it to the left…
  2. I’d like to use the pads as buttons to change the pages, but I can’t figure out how (they transmit only notes with mode gate or toggle, they are pressure sensitive and the values change always). In the previous settings with bcf2000 I setted the buttons via midi channel, and everything worked.

I hope U can solve these problems.
Thanx a lot
I’m attaching the actual project I’m working on.
RESOLVE_beatstep.bmtp (13.8 KB)